Scottish Daily Mail

Serial thug who tried to stab police officer to death gets 10 years

- By Wilma Riley

A thug who tried to murder a policeman by stabbing him in the chest has been jailed for ten years.

graeme Davidson, 37, who has two previous conviction­s for police assault, yesterday admitted carrying out the brutal attack on PC Derek Laing.

the high Court in glasgow heard the policeman could have died if the blade had not struck his breastbone.

Judge Lord Matthews told Davidson: ‘Attempted murder is a serious offence, but when the victim is a police officer carrying out his duty, it is an aggravated offence.

‘Your victim struggles daily to cope with the effects of this incident.’

Lord Matthews also ordered Davidson to be monitored in the community for three years after his release from prison.

he added: ‘the community relies heavily on police officers who often risk their lives to protect us.’

PC Laing and colleagues had responded to a 999 call from neighbours at 12.45am concerning a disturbanc­e at Davidson’s cousin’s house in tayport, Fife, on June 29.

Davidson, who was asleep when they arrived, appeared to pose no threat, although he was drunk. PC Laing, a father of two, was standing waiting for Davidson, from tayport, to get dressed, with his two colleagues nearby.

Suddenly, Davidson rushed at him with such speed that the officer had no chance to use his baton.

Prosecutor Margaret Barron said: ‘PC Laing saw the accused had his right hand raised above his head and was holding a long slender item.

‘At that moment PC Laing thought to himself “I hope he is holding a pen” and then “please hit my stab vest”.’

She told the court PC Laing had felt ‘an almighty impact’ to his chest and knew immediatel­y that he had been stabbed. In a statement, the officer said: ‘My heart sank. I instantly knew I was in a fight for my life.’

PC Laing grabbed Davidson and forced him against the kitchen wall and shouted to colleagues for help.

the officer, who was bleeding from his chest, was taken to Ninewells hospital, Dundee.

A picture of the weapon, measuring 3.5in long, was shown to Lord Matthews. the judge was told the knife left a ‘1cm puncture wound’ that was ‘superficia­l... but could have been more significan­t’.

‘had the blade penetrated any further, it may have resulted in a fatal injury,’ said the prosecutor.

Defence solicitor advocate Iain Paterson said of his client: ‘he struggles to explain why he did what he did.’

Superinten­dent Sandy Brodie, of Police Scotland, said: ‘this was a vicious and cowardly attack on a police officer simply trying to do his job and serve his community.’

PC Laing returned to modified duties in September. In a statement he gave on July 7 he said: ‘I am struggling on a daily basis to cope with the effects of this incident. I am seeking profession­al help in relation to the mental trauma this has left not only to me, but my wife and children.’

‘I was in a fight for my life’

 ??  ?? Guilty plea: Davidson
Guilty plea: Davidson

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