Scottish Daily Mail



JULIA BLAZER, 52, is the founder of experience company Good Day out. She lives in the Brecon Beacons with husband David, 67, an artist, and miniature donkeys Maverick, Goose and Bertie. Julia says:

AS A child I used to send my pocket money to a donkey sanctuary. Then I saw some minis while visiting a friend in the New Forest.

It gave me an idea. My business was already offering the chance to interact with animals — now I’d be able to host guided donkey walks in the Welsh countrysid­e, with the minis carrying a picnic in little panniers.

So in February 2018 I bought Maverick and Goose from a breeder in Kent when they were eight months old, and Bertie a year later from a petting farm in Stoke-on-Trent.

Maverick is a classic brown miniature with stripy front knees. He threw some huge toddler tantrums when he turned one, flinging himself on the ground during walks and refusing to get up. His half-brother, Goose, is two weeks younger. He’s almost black with a white tummy. Bertie’s eight years old and has soft, black fur and a lovely temperamen­t.

One of the most rewarding outings was with a child with selective mutism who chose a mini donkey walk as her birthday present — her mother was amazed to see her chat away to the donkeys for two hours.

I’ve been asked to take part in a Palm Sunday parade at the cathedral in Brecon next spring and, who knows, if that goes well, they might even be involved in a Nativity.

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