Scottish Daily Mail

Here’s Saint Nic... with a lump of coal for your stockings

- Stephen Daisley sees Sturgeon play the Indyref card – again

MSPS gathered yesterday for Holyrood’s annual Indyref 2 Statement Day. I swear, it comes around earlier every year. Mind you, it has become so commercial­ised these days that people have forgotten the true meaning: the birth of the SNP’s saviour, Brexit, and its distractio­n from the Scottish Government’s record.

Nicola Sturgeon hasn’t forgotten. Smartly turned out in festive red, St Nic came bearing gifts for her backbenche­rs, even if their behaviour as she fielded questions from the opposition was more naughty than nice.

She stressed the scale of the Nationalis­ts’ triumph, telling the chamber: ‘One has to go as far back as the election of Ted Heath in 1970 – the year I was born – to find a party that got a higher share of the vote across the United Kingdom than the SNP did in Scotland last week’.

This was true, but you only had to go back to 2015 to find the last time the SNP did better than last Thursday. That result hadn’t prompted another referendum on Scexit, so there were no grounds for a second vote now – right? Anyone thinking that got a lump of coal in their stocking. The First Minister said she would be publishing ‘the detailed democratic case’ for ‘a transfer of power from Westminste­r to this Parliament to allow for an independen­ce referendum that is beyond legal challenge’. Another taxpayerfu­nded pamphlet pushing separation. How many rain-forests have been sacrificed so far in the cause of independen­ce? Some people say Better Together II should be headed by Ruth Davidson but at this rate Greta Thunberg might do it for free. Sturgeon contended that the 47 seats she won last week was a mandate for Indyref 2, but that Boris Johnson, who secured 365 seats, lacked a mandate to refuse. No wonder they had to lower the pass mark for Higher Maths.

ANYWAY, this time it was the stark divergence between results north and south of the Border that provided grounds for a second independen­ce referendum, a rationale that joins previous triggers including No Deal Brexit, prorogatio­n and Last Christmas by Wham! not getting Christmas Number 1 in 1984.

It was all about democracy, though. ‘Seventy-four per cent of votes in Scotland were cast for parties that either supported remaining in the EU or were in favour of a second EU referendum’. That suggested Scots were unhappy about Brexit but what about independen­ce? Alas, it slipped Sturgeon’s mind that almost 54 per cent of ballots cast went to parties opposed to secession.

Unlike the handful of jelly-spined Labourites who ran to the Sunday papers backing Indyref 2, Jackson Carlaw was still for the Union. He pressed Sturgeon to accept Brexit was now happening. Not likely. She reminded Carlaw that his election leaflets had warned Indyref 2 would follow if she and the SNP won.

She came at him like a wrecking ball: ‘Well, Nicola Sturgeon and the SNP did win the election and, frankly, democracy should follow.’

Fair play to her. Carlaw was left in a sombre daze after she’d finished with him, all big eyes and immovable face. He looked like a cow that had just stumbled away from a nasty encounter with a milking machine.

God bless Murdo Fraser, not so much the elf on the shelf as the troll on a roll. He noted economic projection­s indicating good times ahead after the Tory victory, and suggested no one embodied this quite like SNP Westminste­r leader Ian Blackford, ‘who stands to make a reported seven-figure sum from the sale of his interests in the company Commsworld, a sale that depended on a Conservati­ve election victory’.

The Nat benches tried but failed to drown out the happy news. Drinks all round on the humble crofter.

 ??  ?? Cowed: Jackson Carlaw was left in a daze
Cowed: Jackson Carlaw was left in a daze
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