Scottish Daily Mail

Taxi rapist Worboys ‘still as dangerous as he was a decade ago’

- By George Odling Crime Reporter

BLACK cab John Worboys is as dangerous now as he was a decade ago, a court heard yesterday.

The 62-year-old was given two life sentences, with a minimum of six years, for attacking four more victims.

The predator, who was jailed in 2009 for attacking 12 victims, began to fantasise about raping women more than 30 years ago, the Old Bailey was told. He pleaded guilty to spiking the drinks of four more women who came forward during last year’s outcry when it appeared he might be freed by the Parole Board.

Worboys has since admitted to a psychologi­st that he plied a total of 90 women with alcohol and drugged a quarter of them, after being inspired by pornograph­y he had seen in the 1980s, the court heard. He was motivated by a ‘hostility towards women’.

A probation report said: ‘He is potentiall­y just as dangerous now as the point of the first sentence.’

Jailing Worboys, Mrs Justice Maura McGowan said: ‘I do not know when, if ever, you will cease to be a risk.’

Worboys was first locked up indefinite­ly, with a minimum of eight years, in 2009 after being found guilty of 19 sex offences against 12 women between 2006 and 2008. The new offences took place between 2000 and 2008.

Worboys, from Enfield, north London, admitted two charges of administer­ing a drug with intent to commit rape or indecent assault, and two of administer­ing a substance with intent to commit a sexual offence.

Prosecutor Duncan Penny, QC, said the first victim was picked up by Worboys in his taxi in 2000 or early 2001, after a night out at a wine bar in central London.

She woke up the next day at her home address, Mr Penny said, ‘naked in bed with her clothes laid out in a trail’.

The second woman, a student in London, was picked up after a night out in 2003. Years later, she recognised him on TV.

The third victim got into his cab after a night out in Chelsea in 2007, while the fourth woman was picked up in 2007 or 2008.

She had no memory of getting from the taxi to her flat.

Ali Bajwa, QC, defending, said Worboys had since shown ‘sincere remorse’ for his crimes.

 ??  ?? Predator: Warboys
Predator: Warboys

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