Scottish Daily Mail

Today’s poem

- Gaynor Kitcher, Newport, Mons.


Tick, tock, goes the clock, Tinsel shimmers, The candle glimmers, Fairy lights wink on and off. It all looks right, Serene and white, But you’re not here.

The cold days, they march on by, My children yawning Each frosty morning, Race off to find the hiding elf, The countdown’s on So’s your Christmas song, But you’re not here.

The advent flame burns down the dates, Its waxy line Gives us a sign The season’s truly on the way. The crowds they throng In joyful song, Yet you’re not here.

The tree goes up, it’s all in place I dream of when . . . A child of ten Your rugby sock hung by my bed. The holey toe You didn’t sew; You were always there.

I brave the supermarke­t throng, The trolley’s loaded, Wobbly and corroded, The family’s list is all ticked off. I’ve finally done All gifts save one, ’Cos you’re not here.

The 25th unfolds at last, The kids are hyped All candy-striped In festive PJs, warm and bright. There are gifts galore Across the floor, But none from you.

The pudding’s lit, the children gasp, The crackers procured, Bad jokes endured, The sixpence spat from someone’s lips Who, with a cough, Holds it aloft. But you don’t see.

Your old dog swerves from sticky hands. She finds this occasion A tiresome invasion, An interloper claims your old chair. With a bilious stare She makes him aware You should be there.

The Snowman’s Walking In The Air, Charades are done, My nephew won. Your smallest grandchild lifts her face. I catch her gaze, The dark eyes blaze — I see you there . . .

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