Scottish Daily Mail

I’ve tried online dating but nobody talks to each other

- Interviews: ALANA KIRK


SINGLE for three years. Three children aged 17, ten and eight.


WAREHOUSEM­AN and driver — I recently started modelling.


SOMEONE who is loving and shows an interest in me.

My dating past

I’ve had three relationsh­ips in the past 15 years, but have never been on a blind date before. one thing I’ve found is that often what we think we want is not the same as what we need.

I know initial attraction is based on appearance, but it’s the elusive chemistry and spark that’s more important. I’d just be happy to meet someone who I can relax and be myself with.

I only started online dating recently and I haven’t found it particular­ly good. People don’t even tend to talk on dating apps so I don’t really understand how it’s supposed to work. I don’t go on many dates anyway.

Pre-date nerves?

not really. I’ve been round the block a few times, and know that all I can do is be myself. I don’t have any pre-set moves or lines! I just wanted to take the date as it came, rather than pre-empt anything

Love at first sight?

I THOUGHT she was an attractive girl with a big smile on her face and she was so friendly from the moment we met.

Easy to talk to?

I don’t think the conversati­on petered out once. We briefly spoke about past relationsh­ips and I told her about my three children. We had a few chuckles, especially about being in a posh london restaurant.

I was surprised she was so young, and she has no children, but I don’t have any preconcept­ions about that sort of thing so it wouldn’t make a difference to me.

Embarrassi­ng moments?

no, not really.

Did sparks fly?

I don’t think so. although we got on so well, from the minute she arrived the tempo was more friendly than anything else. In fact, it was strange, because from the word go we felt like a couple of old friends talking.

Did you kiss?

We had a hug and left it at that.

What do you think she thought of you?

I HONESTLY don’t know. She was friendly and showed an interest in what I had to say, but I didn’t get any signals that she fancied me. If we hadn’t had to rush off for trains, I think we would definitely have gone on for a drink to a bar.

Would you like to take her home to your family?

I WOULD imagine so, as she’s friendly and they’d be happy chatting to her.


LIKED? Kate has a good sense of humour and is interestin­g.

REGRETS? None at all


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