Scottish Daily Mail


Helping you find the perfect break


QWE PLAN to travel in Europe for more than three months next year. When do new post-Brexit rules about travel in the European Union come into effect? I understand you will not be able to travel more than 90 days in any 180-day period?

Alison Hopkins, via email

ATHE Department for Exiting the European Union says that an ‘implementa­tion period’ during which travel to the Eu will remain

the same as now will last until ‘at least’ the end of next year. For details of post-Brexit travel in the Eu see:


ARE there direct flights from Manchester to Lourdes, France, so I can visit for three days?

Chris Mills, via email.


NO. If you can get to Stansted, ryanair returns are from £20 in January ( Week-long guided tours from Manchester start at £779 (joewalshto­


COULD you recommend an elephant sanctuary in Thailand where we could interact with the animals?

J.K., via email.


INTErACTIN­G with elephants sounds enthrallin­g but there is growing concern about the treatment of ‘tourist elephants’, which may have been separated from mothers at a young age, according to the World Animal Protection group. However, ethical elephant sanctuarie­s do exist, where tourists are not put in direct contact with the animals. Try Boon Lott’s Elephant Sanctuary in Sukhothai province (blesele. org) or Chang Chill, near Chang Mai (


FOR advice, send your questions to

holidaypla­ or write to Daily Mail Travel, Northcliff­e House, 2 Derry Street, London W8 5TT. Please include your contact details.

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