Scottish Daily Mail


With the key ‘money planets’ Pluto and Jupiter meeting three times in 2020...


Perhaps the biggest impact of the major alignments in 2020 involving Jupiter, saturn and pluto will be on our pockets. Well, that’s a bit oldfashion­ed . . . after all, who carries cash these days?

Like it or not, we are living in a highly connected global financial system, dependent on the fortunes of companies with whom we have little contact.

as powerful astrologic­al events paint a stormy financial picture, it’s important to find ways to navigate the waters so the strong winds don’t send us off in the wrong direction. No one wants to crash.

Let’s address the elephant in the room, or rather the piggy in the bank!

The ‘money’ planets (Jupiter and pluto) meet three times in 2020. Jupiter last converged with pluto in 2007, an event often seen as precipitat­ing the financial crash.

pluto represents hidden riches and powerful secrets: sabotage, trickery and Machiavell­ian manoeuvres. Jupiter, the planet of philosophi­cal and moral integrity, sometimes encourages over-indulgence and excesses we come to regret.

What does this mean for 2020? I doubt it will result in a financial meltdown. In 2007, these two planets met in adventurou­s sagittariu­s; whereas in 2020, they meet in the more cautious (though no less ambitious) sign of Capricorn.

saturn, this sign’s ruler, undergoes several once-in-a-generation events this year which hold the key to our financial wellbeing.

saturn’s January meeting with pluto indicates that responsibl­e restructur­ing is needed to prepare for the long-term future. short-term sacrifices may be required to ensure the necessary transforma­tion takes place.

When it comes to buried resources (both metaphoric­al and physical), this is a chance to alter our troubled relationsh­ips with power sources. saturn and pluto’s last meeting, in 1982, marked the end of a recession characteri­sed by an oil crisis and rampant inflation.

But it also began a difficult move away from some of the traditiona­l industries. There are lessons to be learned so we avoid making similar mistakes this time around.

saturn’s conjunctio­n with Jupiter, as the year draws to a close, indicates that forward-thinking efforts and hard work will be rewarded. Careful planning leads to sustainabl­e growth, and through a series of practical choices we can successful­ly navigate around any tricky transition­s.

We are in the process of a great renewal, in which new ways of maintainin­g economies become reality and old ways of working cease to be a reliable fallback. 2020 heralds powerful transforma­tion — one from which we can emerge wealthier, more successful and more positive about the direction in which we’re heading.


March 21 — April 20

MID-JANUARY’s stellium is a sign that you have to pay less attention to ‘perceived wisdom’ and trust your intuition in 2020. The series of conjunctio­ns over the year make it possible to improve your sense of comfort and wellbeing.

With your ruler, Mars, in your sign for six months, you have the energy to tackle challenges and do things you thought difficult. Wealth is a powerful tool when used responsibl­y. This new year is about using the success that comes your way to benefit people and causes you care about.


April 21 — May 21

The question for you, in 2020, is how will you seize your opportunit­ies?

The series of conjunctio­ns, beginning with the stellium in mid-January, suggest you can successful­ly resolve unclear financial situations. With saturn’s move into the part of your chart governing achievemen­t (in March), increased status and authority match your desire for an improved level of wealth.

Venus, your ruler, empowers you to use your inner resources to gain outer riches. slow, steady progress is key to your success.


May 22 — June 22

JANUARY’s stellium brings a financial breakthrou­gh. as secrets and truths are uncovered, you’ll be able to make an excellent long-term investment.

saturn’s movements bring potentiall­y transforma­tive growth. Just because money doesn’t grow on trees, that doesn’t mean it doesn’t grow at all! a financial burden may be lifted.

The series of Jupiter/Neptune links suggest that changes in your work will be needed if you’re to achieve a more glamorous lifestyle. Making informed, radical decisions will make all the difference in 2020.


June 23 — July 23

your economic outlook for 2020 will be better than you expect! The Lunar eclipse in MIDJANUARY enables you to address an imbalance of power and leads to more control and greater financial independen­ce. The series of powerful conjunctio­ns brings opportunit­ies to invest more of yourself in matters that interest you. These are your focal points; when you’re happy, you attract abundance. The solstice eclipse is the breakthrou­gh moment leading to your long-term success.


July 24 — August 23

JANUARY’s stellium indicates major transforma­tions in your work. These don’t have to be fast-moving. subtle changes make all the difference. In order to improve, musicians practise pieces they don’t know; so honing in on skills will be your key to success in 2020. The solstice eclipse will inspire you to work with others in a mutually beneficial way, while Jupiter in Capricorn brings growth in your profession­al life. By exploring realistic ways to move towards your goals, you’ll find innovative ways to hit them.


August 24 — September 23

EVEN if you carry on doing what you’ve always done, your mind, which is always ahead of its time, will light flames of understand­ing. With your perceptive skills, you can read people and situations with ease.

The series of conjunctio­ns in 2020 indicates that, even though there is hard work ahead, you’ll find innovative ways to make the experience enjoyable and profitable.

as long as there is a sense of fun behind your endeavours, work will be rewarding and wealth won’t be hard to come by. your rewards will be sweet.


September 24 — October 23

JANUARY’s Lunar eclipse brings a realisatio­n that enables you to alter the direction you’ve been heading in — and moving on from mistakes makes a significan­t difference to your prospects.

While saturn suggests a new partnershi­p could provide the options you desire, 2020’s pivotal moment, the solstice eclipse, provides you with a glamorous new approach and a beautiful new opportunit­y. The final conjunctio­n of the year finds you able to generate wealth on your own terms and capable of achieving even more.


October 24 — November 22

you begin 2020 in an ambitious frame of mind. With the stellium of planets highlighti­ng issues of communicat­ion, certain truths will need to be thoughtful­ly revealed.

as you find yourself holding valuable informatio­n, think carefully about how to use it. reaching out and forging alliances will be beneficial. The links of your ruling planet, pluto, indicate that, as long as you’re prepared to work through and address issues of the past, collaborat­ion and ‘pulling

FROM PAGE 27 together’ will lift you into a whole other world financiall­y.


November 23 — December 21

THE position of Jupiter, your ruling planet, indicates that 2020 is the year to grow your assets and make the most of what you have. You can expand your resources and explore new opportunit­ies.

Yet the series of conjunctio­ns indicate that you need to focus on what you really care about, and purge unnecessar­y financial burdens that have little chance of being successful.

Rather than throwing your money at the wall, throw it where it might stick!

If you use your energy wisely, you can easily achieve vital goals.


December 22 — January 20

THE new year brings discoverie­s about who you have the potential to be.

January’s stellium suggests hidden wealth is available, so do your research. Knowledge is power and power (when used for the greater good) brings long-term success.

The series of conjunctio­ns, and the movements of your ruler, indicate that if you adopt a positive mindset and explore new avenues with a smile, you’ll find the best routes to take that lead towards maximising your potential.

Motivation and kindness are key this year.


January 21 — February 19

SUCCESS, in 2020, depends on what you focus on. If you want to improve your finances, January’s stellium provides you with the best plan. Just concentrat­e on the most constructi­ve, generous idea, then firmly believe that it deserves to be successful.

Saturn’s movements highlight the importance of a strong work ethic; while your ideas will be more valued when you reveal your sensitive side. Even if you’re not financiall­y better off by the end of the year, you will be happier. That’s something money can’t buy.


February 20 — March 20

EvEN though there is no guarantee everything will be easy in 2020, knowing people are your greatest resource will boost your life. January’s Saturn/Pluto conjunctio­n helps you realise the riches you already have.

The Jupiter/Neptune links indicate that creative change is possible; you just need to give yourself opportunit­ies to be generous. As long as you work towards the greater good and pull in the same direction as others, your rewards this year will be both financial and spiritual.

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