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IT’S New Year’s Eve! Time for fireworks, charged glasses and singing to mark another passage around the Sun. As the world parties, it’s also time to focus on those we’re celebratin­g with. Pleasingly, Mercury makes a creative link with Neptune, helping us find innovative ways to communicat­e. Be it sensitive words, or imaginativ­e, compassion­ate ideas, the celestial invitation is to be in good company and see out the year in style.

ARIES Mar 21 - Apr 20

SOME people are full to the brim with self-confidence — but that’s no guarantee that they have any talent. On the other hand, there are plenty of folk who are gifted, yet they’re filled with doubts about their potential success. You have many strengths and abilities. So why aren’t you achieving your potential? Is your selfbelief shakier than you think? In order to start the new decade in a positive way, you just need to rewrite the book of your own rules and give yourself more freedom to play. January’s nearly here! For uplifting news on how the month holds exciting opportunit­ies for you, call 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS Apr 21 - May 21

SOMETIMES, it feels as if the world is full of orders and demands. ‘Wait here’. ‘Ring the bell’. ‘Walk don’t run’. Luckily, we don’t spend too much time worrying about them. We understand that they’re pointers to guide us rather than being unbreakabl­e commands that we have to live by. Yet, when it comes to our personal lives, we can forget to be so discerning. Someone has been demanding a lot from you. On the eve of a new decade, remember that you don’t have to do anything you don’t want to.

January is due to be amazing! For four minutes of news that could change your life, pick up the phone! Call 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI May 22 - June 22

AS YOUR ruler, Mercury, connects to inspiring Neptune today, there’s every chance that you’re ending the decade with an important realisatio­n. Even if you’re not delighted by what you’re discoverin­g, the long-term benefits will be favourable. And surely there isn’t a more perfect time to identify the things in your life that can be changed for the better? As you prepare to enter 2020, you can make positive resolution­s that will enable you to initiate effective and lasting transforma­tions. For encouragin­g news about what January holds for you, call your month-ahead forecast: 0906 751 5603.

CANCER June 23 - July 23

IT’S TIME to take a step back and question your strong impulse to do one thing while avoiding another. When you think about it, you could just as easily switch your views and do the exact opposite! The start of the new decade brings the chance to make resolution­s that can be kept. That’s all the more reason to think carefully about the changes you really want to make. It’s worth rememberin­g that true success encompasse­s a willingnes­s to fail and try again. If you aim high this year, you’ll go far. There’s so much to tell you about January, and you’re going to like it! Do yourself a favour. Call 0906 751 5604.

LEO July 24 - Aug 23

YOU have a gift for finding practical ways to solve other people’s problems. Interestin­gly, though, you don’t always find it easy to apply the same wise approach to sorting out your own issues. As we approach a new decade, we find you struggling to make some important choices about the direction you want your life to be moving in. Suppose someone else faced the same situation? What suggestion­s would you make to help them? It’s time to take your own advice today! You know what you need to do. Make your dreams come true in January! Call your four-minute, in-depth forecast on 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO Aug 24 - Sep 23

THE easiest path goes to the left, while the harder route is to the right. So, which direction will you choose as you enter a new decade? You naturally lean towards taking the more challengin­g road. You’re wary of anything that seems to be simple. You know that some of the best things require hard work. Yet, there’s another side of you that’s wondering whether you really do need to push yourself quite so hard next year. Focus on where the paths are heading. The right path is the one that feels ‘right’.

Welcome to January! Your powerful prediction for the month is ready. For inspiring insight, call 0906 751 5606.

LIBRA Sep 24 - Oct 23

IT’S more efficient (and more effective) to work as part of a team. At least, that’s the theory. But this only works when the whole team pulls its weight. If, on the other hand, people are more interested in finding fault with one another, the results are going to be rather patchy and ineffectiv­e. Your faith in open-hearted, collaborat­ive generosity has taken a bit of a hit recently. Yet the start of the new decade shows you just how much you stand to gain by trusting someone special. Your in-depth, January forecast could be one of the most rewarding calls you ever make. Call 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO Oct 24 - Nov 22

THERE’S an element of truth to the statement ‘there’s no gain without pain’. But, there are also some ‘gains’ that are pain-free (and that doesn’t make them any less valuable). And, of course, just because something’s painful doesn’t mean that it’s going to result in any kind of gain! There’s no need to be suffering as you enter the new decade. You don’t need to put up with anything — or anyone — creating unhappines­s either. If you act as if you expect to be happy, you’ll get what you expect.

To hear valuable informatio­n about the changes you can implement in January, call your month-ahead forecast on 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 - Dec 21

HAVE you ever driven somewhere you’d usually walk to? Sometimes, it’s the simplest thing in the world. At other times, it’s confoundin­g. To avoid one-way streets and traffic jams you can end up driving a long, circuitous route. Our journey through life sometimes feels convoluted and unnecessar­ily long. But just because you’re taking a detour doesn’t mean you won’t reach your ideal destinatio­n. Trust your instincts as you enter the new decade. Spontaneit­y is key to your success. A new month! An exciting astrologic­al picture. A January forecast that could transform your life! Call 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 20

DON’T worry. Your secret’s safe with me. What do you mean, ‘how do I know’? Of course I know! No one keeps a secret they secretly want to reveal! Besides, would it be such a bad thing if you let the cat out of the bag? You’re feeling uncharacte­ristically cautious about someone’s reaction to informatio­n you have in your possession. Yet the beginning of the decade isn’t the time to be so concerned. Since you deserve a relaxed and happy start to 2020, stop feeling guilty for what isn’t your fault. As the planet of luck moves into your sign, January is full of potential! For inspiring news, call 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 - Feb 19

ONCE you’ve set your heart on something, nothing will change your mind. If you can’t leap into action, you put it at the top of your ‘to-do list’ and wait for the moment to strike. Yet, while this level of focus is admirable, it can be dangerous. When our priorities are laid out, we can forget to move with the times, and what was right a month ago might not be the best course of action today. It’s worth revising your resolution­s before jumping into the new decade. Even if you don’t usually call your in-depth phone forecast, there’s excellent news in your January prediction. Call 0906 751 5611.

PISCES Feb 20 - Mar 20

AS WE prepare to enter a new decade, it’s the perfect time to cast your mind back and think about significan­t events that have taken place over the years. Your priorities have changed. You’ve had to adapt and also let go of some of the activities you once enjoyed so that you could focus on the new commitment­s that have taken up your time and energy. Mercury’s connection with your ruler, Neptune, confirms that 2020 will bring opportunit­ies to uncover old passions and pleasurabl­e pastimes.

January holds great potential for positive change. Find out how to make this a month to remember. Call 0906 751 5612.

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