Scottish Daily Mail

Straight to the POINT


ELECTION sorted, Brexit almost done and Pippa back on the front pages!

PATRICK MORGAN, Hednesford, Staffs.

WHERE’S Wally can be replaced by Where’s Major, Blair, Grieve and Gina Miller.

GEOFF WILLIAMS, Tadworth, Surrey.

THERE is no nice way to kill a fox (Mail)? Presumably, it was going to read the chickens a bedtime story.

DAVID KIRKWOOD, Wigton, Cumbria.

DIVIDED Britain: families given little support to care for loved ones with dementia, while the Channel 5 documentar­y Inside Harrods At Christmas showed people with more money than sense splashing out thousands on gifts.

RICHARD JONES, Peterborou­gh, Cambs.

DON’T get rid of your Christmas TV listings guide — you’ll need it next year because all the shows will be the same.

RAY SIMS, Wigan, Gtr Manchester.

NOW is the winter of our discontent made glorious summer by this son of Stanley.

PETER LEWIS, Wigan, Gtr Manchester.

WHY can’t some of our foreign aid be used to alleviate the plight of our kith and kin in Oz?

GRANT McPHERSON, St John’s, Isle of Man.

DON’T be put off Cats by the critical reviews. Jennifer Hudson’s rendition of Memory is worth the ticket price alone.

RON RIGBY, Pinner, Middlesex.

CGI can’t save Cats, a musical with only one good tune, Memory — and you have to wait a boring hour for that.

PETER SUTCLIFFE, Newcastle upon Tyne.

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