Scottish Daily Mail



NOW Uranus has changed direction, all the major planets are moving forwards. This encourages us to do the same. Today, as Venus and Uranus link, they create a ‘velvet revolution’; the gentle creativity of Venus in

Pisces blends with the hunger for practical progress of Uranus in Taurus. Organic change can advance sensitivel­y but steadily now. If we commit our hearts and souls, this soft approach can reap dividends.


Mar 21 - Apr 20 THE ancient Greeks specialise­d in retelling the same stories with new inflection­s. Some people say that’s all any of us can ever do. After all, there are only a finite number of plots and characters to draw upon. Though our own narratives seem unique and all-consuming, in reality we will not be the first person to have had an experience. As a current situation evolves, you’ll realise you’ve been here before. But this time you’re more knowledgea­ble and better equipped to walk away victorious.

Wonderful New Year opportunit­ies arise as rare cosmic alignments revitalise your life. Call 0906 751 5601. TAURUS Apr 21 - May 21 WOULD you mind filling up a bowl with cold water, then I’ll balance it on your feet while you do a handstand? Of course, the chances of the water staying in the bowl are pretty slim. It’s far more likely that you’ll end up getting wet! Some situations have an air of inevitabil­ity about them, but that doesn’t mean they will be a disaster. As Venus and Uranus link today, you might be wise to prepare yourself for a surprise. But rather than steeling yourself for the worst, be ready for a delight. Maximise the New Year energy boost! Let the cosmic convergenc­e positively transform your world. Call 0906 751 5602. GEMINI May 22 - June 22 ‘IF ONLY I hadn’t done that . . . if only I’d done this instead.’ ‘They shouldn’t have done that . . . they’d have been more successful if they’d done this.’ If we’re not directing criticism at ourselves, we’re judging others from afar. Yet it’s rare that any of us actually voice our critiques. We know that confrontin­g someone with criticism puts strain on a relationsh­ip. Whether they bite back, or retreat into their shell, they won’t appreciate our thoughts. Your diplomatic skills will take you far today.

What a start to the year! This week’s rare cosmic convergenc­e brings positive change! For good news, call 0906 751 5603. CANCER THE

June 23 - July 23 statement, ‘blessed are the meek, for they shall inherit the earth’ is baffling. Spoken over two thousand years ago, it still doesn’t make sense. Will the meek inherit an earth that’s been destroyed by assertive profiteers? Aren’t there moments when the meek need to stand up for themselves and protect what’s important to them? You won’t get very far along your chosen path by being meek today, but Venus and Uranus suggest that by being gently assertive, you can move a mountain. Let this week’s rare cosmic convergenc­e transform your world. For a valuable key to 2020, call 0906 751 5604.


July 24 - Aug 23 ANYONE who follows the news can easily feel overwhelme­d. It’s easy to surmise that our world is on the brink of collapse and that it’s only a matter of time before we descend into chaos and catastroph­e. The future seems bleak . . . but the truth is that it isn’t! Things don’t have to be this way. In fact, the more time we spend brooding on disaster, the higher the chance of us experienci­ng it! The Venus/Uranus link encourages you to replace your fears with dreams. You’ll be amazed by what happens.

It’s a special week as the cosmic convergenc­e bring powerful transforma­tions. Find out more! Call 0906 751 5605. VIRGO Aug 24 - Sep 23 SOME folk are skilled at saying the right thing. They’ll say anything as long as it wins them friends and influence. Even those among us who have more integrity understand that sometimes honesty is not the best policy. You’re surrounded by people giving different versions of the same set of events . . . and you’re tempted to believe the version you like best. Yet just because something appeals to you doesn’t make it true or right. Listen to your intuition rather than your ears today.

Rare, powerful cosmic alignments highlight dynamic change. 2020 holds great potential for you! Call 0906 751 5606.


Sep 24 - Oct 23 IS A horoscope written with an ostrich feather and delivered via carrier pigeon more significan­t than one rattled out on a laptop and distribute­d via email? More often than not, beauty and inspiratio­n lie in the mundane rather than the magical. Appearance­s can be deceptive. For the same reason, you can never assume that certain people are more deserving of cosmologic­al kindness than you. As Venus links with innovative Uranus, open your eyes to all that’s amazing today. Wonderful New Year opportunit­ies arise as rare cosmic alignments revitalise your life. Call 0906 751 5607. SCORPIO Oct 24 - Nov 22 I REMEMBER my uncle finding a 1930s radio in a junk shop. He told all the kids that it could only play old broadcasts from before the war. Of course, we believed him. Then he turned the story round and used it to show us that we should never be fooled into believing things purely on the way that something looks. You’re being restricted by an expectatio­n, which is based on what you’re seeing. Today’s cosmic climate will help you to see behind the scenes and understand what’s really going on. Maximise the New Year energy boost! Let the cosmic convergenc­e positively transform your world. Call 0906 751 5608.


Nov 23 - Dec 21 as if a veil has been lifted and you’re starting to see a familiar scenario with different eyes. As the world gets into gear after the festive season, and we resume our usual patterns of behaviour, the cosmos is inviting you to think further afield. Where would you like to be?

What would you love to be doing? You’re about to discover that you have more choice and power over your future than you think. A welcome surprise is on the cards. What will you do when you’re inspired?

What a start to the year! This week’s rare cosmic convergenc­e brings positive change! For good news, call 0906 751 5609. CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 20 SHOPS have developed new marketing techniques to encourage us to buy their wares. ‘When it’s gone it’s gone’ is particular­ly effective; it’s designed to make us panic and buy the merchandis­e before it disappears. We seem to have an inbuilt desire to acquire items and experience­s that are deemed to be ‘exclusive’. After all, who wants to miss out on a once-in-a-lifetime opportunit­y? Yet there’s no need to let anyone rush you into making an important decision today. If it’s meant to be, it will wait. Let this week’s rare cosmic convergenc­e transform your world. For a valuable key to 2020, call 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 - Feb 19 I FIND the words of an ancient Buddhist scholar comforting. He wrote that ‘if there’s a remedy when trouble strikes, what reason is there for dejection? And if there’s no help for it, what use is there in being glum?’ I guess this is another way of saying ‘don’t worry, be happy’! As the planet of love links with your ruler, Uranus, today, it’s pertinent advice for you to bear in mind. If something is annoying you, you’ll either find a way to solve it . . . or not. But either way, you don’t need to be annoyed. It’s a special week as the cosmic convergenc­e bring powerful transforma­tions. Find out more! Call 0906 751 5611. PISCES EVEN when

Feb 20 - Mar 20 your astrologic­al outlook is looking so encouragin­g, a win on the lottery is unlikely to happen. Neverthele­ss, it’s important to know what you want and why you want it because you don’t want to end up overlookin­g something that you really want (and could have) in favour of something that you want more, but can’t actually get. I know. It’s confusing. But as Venus links with Uranus today, there are surprises in store. Although the first statement remains true, luck is in the air today. Rare, powerful cosmic alignments highlight dynamic change. 2020 holds great potential for you! Call 0906 751 5612.

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