Scottish Daily Mail



Challenges — and solutions — for when heartbreak robs you of your appetite …

‘I can’t face cooking’

THIS is when well-meaning friends can really help. Say yes when they offer to bring around a meal; if it’s too much for you to eat in one go, divide it into portions and put the rest in the freezer for when you need them.

You can do the same thing when you do have the energy to cook a meal or some soup; divide it into portions and freeze.

‘I don’t want a proper meal’

WARMING up some soup and keeping it in a flask means you can have it to sip throughout the day, for warmth, comfort and goodness.

‘I don’t feel hungry’

SOMETIMES we need to tempt our appetite and our taste buds, so don’t feel guilty about making food that’s pretty and appealing.

You could keep jars of poached berries or stewed apples in the fridge, which need only a spoonful of creamy Greek yoghurt to turn them into a gorgeous, healthy breakfast or snack.

‘I just want to snack’

DON’T worry if you can’t face three full meals a day, but rather than grazing on high-fat crisps and biscuits, have some healthier options to turn to. Try a cracker with some cheese, sliced egg or hummus, a few sticky medjool dates, or one of my meal-replacemen­t Nourish Drinks.

‘Eating upsets my stomach’

HERBAL teas can help to ease digestion, so you feel more like eating — try fennel, fresh ginger or weak mint tea. It can also be useful to take a probiotic supplement for a while to replenish the gut with good bacteria.

‘I can’t seem to swallow’

ONE trick is to let a square of dark chocolate slowly melt in your mouth before a meal. Chocolate contains a substance called theobromin­e, which relaxes the muscles of the throat to make it easier to swallow.

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