Scottish Daily Mail

Ski hell taught me not to cut corners on insurance


LYING immobilise­d on my back in a French ski resort trauma centre, after a nasty fall in which I’d broken two vertebrae, I was relieved to find out I hadn’t damaged my spinal cord.

I was also relieved that I’d bought travel insurance — so at least there wouldn’t be a grim medical bill thrust in my face when I managed to get back on my feet.

Back in 2018, I’d gone for one of the cheapest annual policies I could find on a comparison site — £16.68 with Alpha Insurance.

When the firm reminded me to renew the policy last year, for £15.86, I checked that it still included winter sports cover and happily went along with the purchase. But as soon as I needed Alpha and tried to get in touch, my problems began.

I was taken by ambulance from the trauma centre to hospital. Ambulances in France are run by private companies, and the paramedic told me she would need to see a guarantee from my insurance provider that it would pay for the hour-and-a-half journey. So, in the ambulance winding down the French Alps, I called Alpha’s emergency line. Almost two hours later, as I was wheeled into A&E, I was still on hold, and my retired father had to pay the £220 bill.

He had already given his credit card details to the trauma centre, which said it would withdraw its £340 charge for treatment from his account if Alpha hadn’t paid within 30 days.

He was finally able to get hold of Alpha as I was being treated, and was assured by a representa­tive that if he emailed copies of the bills, the outstandin­g fees would be paid and he’d be reimbursed. He did so immediatel­y. After three days in hospital, the doctors were happy to discharge me. Luckily, I’d avoided surgery. I had kept Alpha in the loop the whole time, as I was keen to get home as soon as possible — by this point, my family were all back in the UK.

I explained to the person on Alpha’s claims line that I could travel home by plane as long as I was lying down. They said they needed to check the treatment notes, which were immediatel­y sent over. A day later, I had still heard nothing.

Again, I rang Alpha and was on hold for around an hour. When someone finally answered, they said they needed more detailed notes, and that, because it was a weekend, their doctors might not be able to make a decision on whether or not to fly me home until Monday.

BY NOW, the hospital was at a loss as to what more informatio­n they could give. The staff even offered to answer any questions directly on the phone. But, despite my prompts, Alpha did not call.

Meanwhile, I was taking up valuable bed space in a hospital swamped with skiing injuries.

As the days progressed, the nurses were asking me increasing­ly pointed questions about when I might be leaving. After day six, I was so angry with Alpha’s delays that I tweeted about its appalling service.

My Twitter account mentions that I’m a journalist, which seemed to spur it into action. After eight days in hospital and an argument about whether or not I could fly home on a stretcher (apparently I couldn’t ‘in case air gets into your fractures and the cabin pressure worsens them’), Alpha sent a private ambulance from Kent to pick me up by road.

And 14 hours later I was finally home. Despite being assured over the phone that my hospital bill would be paid, I received nothing from Alpha for weeks after I returned.

It owed my father almost £1,000 for sums he’d had to cover up-front, and I then received a £1,900 hospital bill.

The firm behind Alpha Insurance is Tifgroup, which also provides travel insurance under Boots, Holidaysaf­e, Insurancew­ith and other brands.

I found some online reviews detailing similar experience­s to mine, and many a lot worse. I recommend reading these before buying any cover — not all insurers are equal, and cheaper may not mean better.

Following Money Mail’s interventi­on, Alpha finally repaid me and agreed to waive the £150 excess.

A spokespers­on says: ‘Our experts’ view was that it was too soon to risk flying, and Ms White would have to wait a further ten days before it was safe for her to fly home.

‘All decisions about repatriati­on are taken by our doctors purely on medical grounds and in the best interests of the patient’s short and long-term health.’

 ??  ?? Back on the slopes: Lucy White
Back on the slopes: Lucy White

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