Scottish Daily Mail




FeBRUARY 14, 1963 ASIAN flu is back in Britain. It is the same type that caused hundreds of deaths in 1957. But a health spokesman said last night: ‘There is no general epidemic, and we do not think it will be as bad as in 1957.’ In five weeks, 285 people have died. FeBRUARY 14, 2000 CHARLES SCHULZ, creator of the Peanuts cartoon [right] has died aged 77, just as a speciallyp­enned farewell strip was rolling from the presses of U.S. newspapers. His death was unexpected, even though he had been diagnosed with colon cancer and had suffered a series of strokes during emergency abdominal surgery last November. He announced his retirement and said his last strip would appear on February 13.


KEVIN KEEGAN, 69. England football star Keegan was known for his tight shorts and bubble perm. In 1979 he tried his hand at pop, releasing Head Over Heels In Love. It peaked at number 10 in the singles chart in Germany where he had played for Hamburg, but only made it to 31 in the UK.

SIR STELIOS HAJIIOANNO­U, 53. The Greekborn entreprene­ur (right) founded easyJet aged 28 and his family is now worth £2.2 billion. When he was knighted in 2006, he held a raffle among his 10,000 employees to choose two to take as his guests to Buckingham Palace. He has vowed to give more than half his fortune to charity after being inspired by a phone call from Bill Gates.


PATRICIA KNATCHBULL (1924-2017). The daughter of Lord Louis Mountbatte­n, Britain’s last imperial viceroy in India, she inherited the title Countess Mountbatte­n of Burma in 1979, when the family boat was bombed by the IRA, killing her father. She was hurt and needed 120 facial stitches, calling them ‘my IRA face-lift’. CHRISTOPHE­R SHOLES (1819-1890). The U.S. inventor developed the QWERTY keyboard in the 1870s and sold his typewriter patent to gunmaker Remington & Son. The firm’s typing courses led to a revolution in the number of women doing clerical work. Before his death, Sholes said: ‘I do feel that I have done something for the women who have always had to work so hard. This will enable them more easily to earn a living.’

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