Scottish Daily Mail

Satellite choice


MAGICAL ADVENTURE The Princess And The Dragon, 10am, 6.30pm, Sky Premiere

ON HER seventh birthday, Princess Barbara finds a magic book which sends her to an enchanted land of dragons and fantastica­l creatures.

FOOTBALL Chelsea v Manchester United, 7pm, Sky Premier League & Main Event

FRANK LAMPARD lost his first Premier League game in charge 4-0 away at Old Trafford. He’ll want Chelsea to avenge that defeat and tighten their grip on a top four place.

TIME-TRAVEL ROMANCE Outlander, Amazon Prime

IN TYPICAL Outlander style, this new, fifth season presents us with something happy, then reveals the darkness that threatens it. A wedding is presided over by a happy Jamie and Claire (Sam Heughan and Caitriona Balfe), but the guests don’t all bring good news. On the plus side, adventure beckons. A new episode arrives every Monday.

NEW U.S. COMEDY Man With A Plan, 7.30pm, E4

IN A traditiona­l new sitcom from the U.S., Matt LeBlanc (pictured) stars as a builder dad who takes on more parenting duties when his wife goes back to work. He wants to be ‘daddy fun times’ but learns it isn’t that easy, especially when the kids take advantage of him at every turn.

LADIES OF LEISURE The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills, 9pm, Lifetime

‘SOME people call me cold, but that’s not ice — it’s diamonds.’ So says Erika, one of the real housewives, as this boldly ridiculous reality show returns for a new series. ‘Everything is today, nothing is tomorrow,’ she declares, before embarking on another day of more, more, more.

MOTOR TRADE Wheeler Dealers: Dream Car, 9pm, Discovery

CAR dealer Mike Brewer teams up with mechanic Marc Priestley to buy, transform and sell cars. The aim is to help ordinary people to build a budget big enough to buy their dream car. First up is police officer Deepak, who currently owns a Nissan Juke but

wants a Porsche Cayenne.

FILM THRILLER Gone Girl, 9pm, Film4

ADAPTATION of Gillian Flynn’s bestseller, a dark psychothri­ller exploring the devastatin­g decline of a relationsh­ip. Ben Affleck stars as the man whose wife (Rosamund Pike) goes missing.

COTSWOLDS COMEDY This Country, BBC3 (via iPlayer) & BBC1, 10.35pm

IN THE third and final series of the understate­d comedy, circumstan­ces have conspired to force Kerry (Daisy May Cooper, pictured with Charlie Cooper) into work. A new episode arrives on BBC3 every Monday at 7pm.

FAR FROM HOME Fishing For Love: How To Catch A Thai Bride — Storyville, 10pm, BBC4

IN A fishing village on the west coast of Denmark, more than 900 Thai women have become the wives of the local fishermen. This fascinatin­g new film explores the lives of four Thai-Danish couples there.

POIGNANT DRAMA The End, 10pm, Sky Atlantic

IN PART two, Edie (Harriet Walter) starts to loosen up in Australia, and this awkward drama’s multi-generation­al brushes with suicide and euthanasia weave together more closely. It’s still a tricky mix, but not a story that’s being told anywhere else, and there’s value in that.

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