Scottish Daily Mail


From home hygiene, to schools, food and friends, a cut out and keep guide to stick on your fridge

- By John Naish

Does handwashin­g really work?

YES. A new study published by the highlyresp­ected Cochrane Database which summarises and interprets numerous studies says that handwashin­g cuts the chances of contractin­g a respirator­y illness such as coronaviru­s by 54 per cent – the best odds of any deterrent.

So wash your hands – scrubbing every bit of skin from your wrist downwards – at every opportunit­y for at least 20 seconds (or for however long it takes to sing Happy Birthday in your head twice).

Should I use public transport?

ONLY if necessary. If you can work from home rather than commuting, and also minimise shopping trips, you will greatly reduce your infection risk.

One recent study in Nottingham found that people who contracted the flu virus in 2011 were nearly six times more likely than others to have travelled by public transport in the five days before developing symptoms.

Planes, trains and buses are high-risk environmen­ts for easily transmitte­d viruses – and Covid-19 is particular­ly infectious – to spread on to our hands via surfaces such as handrails, seats and handles.

Some commuters are turning to extravagan­t face masks which the World Health Organisati­on suggests can protect others if you are coughing and splutterin­g. But if you’re more concerned about your own welfare, keep your hands in your pockets whenever possible and try to travel at off-peak times.

If I stay at home, will I be safe?

NO. Family and friends can easily bring in the virus. To reduce this threat, institute a handwashin­g rule for everyone as soon as they enter the house. And make sure there is one hand towel for each person. If that’s not practicabl­e, wash towels frequently.

How should I greet a friend?

KISSING somebody on the cheek is, as the French government is warning, a one-way ticket to speeding up viral transmissi­on. As to kissing on the mouth... just say no!

According to GP and health commentato­r Dr Rosemary Leonard, we should ‘stop shaking hands’ too.

Perhaps that’s why Germany’s interior minister Horst Seehofer waved away Chancellor Angela Merkel’s hand at a meeting yesterday.

The safest way to greet someone is to simply say: ‘Hello.’ But if that’s not enough, recent tests by Aberystwyt­h University show that fistbumpin­g transfers only a tenth of the bacteria that a handshake transmits.

Do I need to change the way I wash my clothes?

ACCORDING to the NHS all underwear, towels and household linen should be washed at 60C or 40C with a bleach-based laundry product to prevent microbes spreading.

There’s no point adding more detergent, as modern machines are programmed to break up and wash away surplus cleaning agent.

Using a dryer on high heat for more than 28 minutes can also kill harmful micro-organisms – though you could also hang up your washing outdoors in direct sunlight, which has disinfecti­ng properties.

Always remember to wash your hands after handling dirty laundry.

Should I stockpile food?

THERE’S no need to hoard for a nuclear winter, but it might be wise to have some longlastin­g foods in the larder.

Ian Mackay, a virologist at the University of Queensland, Australia, has suggested buying cereals, grains, beans, lentils, pasta, tinned fish, vegetables, fruit, oil, dried fruit, nuts, powdered milk and a few sweet treats.

This will also cut your number of shopping trips – thus reducing your risk of exposure – and could be useful in the unlikely event that your town or city is put into lockdown.

(If you rely on online supermarke­t delivery, be sure to order your items well in advance. Online supermarke­t Ocado is warning that some customers are buying ‘particular­ly large orders’ and ‘delivery slots are selling out quicker than expected’.

What if my town is locked down?

HEALTH Secretary Matt Hancock has refused to rule out placing British cities on lockdown – when residents’ movements are restricted – as is the case in parts of China and northern Italy.

Under the Civil Contingenc­ies Act 2004, the Government has the power to close schools, shut down public transport and stop mass gatherings to protect the public – though it seems unlikely it will be enforced.

Will exams be affected?

STUdEnTS should keep on swotting. A spokesman for the Scottish Qualificat­ions Authority (SQA) said the body continues to monitor the situation, in consultati­on with the Scottish Government, and will provide further guidance as and when required.

What about school trips?

SOME overseas trips by schools, colleges and universiti­es are being cancelled already. Even visits to places outside virus-stricken areas are affected, as some institutio­ns are concerned that shepherdin­g youngsters through highly populated zones such as airports may be a risk too far.

Check with your school etc for the most up-to-date informatio­n.

Should older people worry?

THE evidence so far is that older people (especially those with underlying health issues) who have weaker immune systems are at greater risk of serious illness and death. Children and young adults seem more resilient.

According to recent analysis of more than 44,000 cases from China, the death rate was ten times higher in the very elderly compared with the middle-aged.

The elderly should be encouraged to limit their outings and social contact and insist that visitors wash their hands upon arrival.

So the real question is: how keen are you to go out? Any concert trip, for example, raises the risk of catching winter flu and colds.

It’s important to factor in the current state of health of your guest and how likely it is they’ll be exposed to the virus – but ultimately it’s up to you and them whether you want to risk it.

What about prescripti­ons?

FACTORY shutdowns in China where many vital ingredient­s for common drugs are made are an issue. Some of the largest pharmaceut­ical companies – including AstraZenec­a and Pfizer – have said that the outbreak could affect their supplies.

There is some evidence of panicbuyin­g of over-the-counter medicines, though none of these will protect against coronaviru­s or its worst symptoms. Ocado has reportedly just sold out of Calpol.

Can I carry on going to church?

THE Church of Scotland has said those with coughs and sneezes should refrain from shaking hands during The Peace, and take only the communion bread if their church does not use individual cups for wine. The Catholic Church has advised against taking wine from the chalice and to accept the wafer in their hands rather than have it placed on the tongue.

Can you get infected twice?

IF you get infected and fight off the infection, then your immune system will be primed with antibodies to destroy the virus should you be exposed again. It’s like being vaccinated, and should be just as effective. However, there are fears that the virus can lie dormant in the body with minimal symptoms, and then return. This seems to have happened to one Japanese woman whose symptoms re-emerged after she had been declared infection-free.

Should I cancel my ski trip?

KEEP an eye on the website for latest travel advice. If it advises against travel to a certain region and you decide to go, your insurance won’t be valid. nor will insurers pay out if you cancel a holiday to a location that is not deemed high risk.

As of last night, there were no warnings about French, Swiss, Italian and Austrian ski resorts – although the Foreign Office advises against ‘all but essential travel’ to 11 small towns in northern Italy.

Can my dog catch the virus?

ACCORdInG to the World Health Organisati­on, there’s no evidence at present that dogs or cats can be infected with coronaviru­s. But given the virus is believed to have already jumped species once – there is speculatio­n that it originated in bats – we cannot rule it out from happening again.

Always wash your hands with soap and hot water after contact with pets.

Any upsides?

AS counter-intuitive as it may seem, quite possibly. If people heed the new health warnings, adopt rigorous personal hygiene habits – and stick to them – we may well see a drop in infectious diseases overall.

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Precaution­s: Angela Merkel’s interior minister refuses to shake her hand, circled, yesterday
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