Scottish Daily Mail




FIsh are great if you’re worried you might not have lots of time, space or money to own a larger pet — but owning fish is still a big commitment as the average fish will live for around ten years.

All fish need a tank large enough for them to swim around easily and avoid other fish in the tank. It should be in a quiet place. have you got space for this? expect to pay up to £1,000 to set it up.

You’ll need to clean the tank at least every week. But fish don’t need you to keep them company, so if you’re quite busy, fish could be a good choice for you.


All birds need an indoor aviary large enough for them to fly across, so you will need a large area. some species can live up to 60 years. Initial costs are generally around £500 and monthly maintenanc­e costs can be around £60, not including vet bills.

Check if your chosen species likes the companions­hip of another bird. Budgies, for example, enjoy being kept with another budgie of the same sex.

Birds can become easily bored if they don’t have enough contact with humans, so you need to think if you have time every day to dedicate to your bird.

they need to exercise by flying in their aviary or around your home in a secure area.


hAMsters, rats, mice, gerbils and chinchilla­s generally live in a cage in your home.

some small pets such as chinchilla­s can live up to 22 years and cost £5,000 over a lifetime.

Most small pets need to live in groups or pairs, so this might increase the space they need as well as the costs and time. some are nocturnal and will be active, and sometimes noisy, at night.

even if you’re not that active, you’ll be able to keep a small pet happy and healthy.

guinea pigs need to be kept in an outdoor hutch with free access to a large run, so you need a garden large enough for a hutch that’s at least 6ft long, 2ft wide and 2 ft high, with the run beside it. they need the company of another guinea pig as they’re very sociable.

It will cost you around £400 to buy your guinea pigs. their average lifespan is around four years. they’ll cost you around £70 a month, plus vets bills.


rABBIts need to be kept in a large, outdoor hutch (see guinea pigs) with a large run (8 ft by 4 ft by 2 ft high) which they can access throughout the day. they need the company of other rabbits, as they become lonely and stressed if kept on their own. they will live an average of nine years and cost you around £10,000 each (plus vets bills) throughout their lifetime.

rabbits enjoy lots of interactio­n with us, playing with toys — but even if you’re not that active, you should be able to keep a pair of rabbits happy and healthy.


CAts are generally happy to be left alone for longish periods, but you still need to feed them at least once a day. they also need exercise — outside if safe. they can live inside only, but you will need to provide places to play and run. Cats live between 12 and 15 years and will cost you up to £17,000 in all, plus vets bills.


Dogs don’t enjoy being left alone — you shouldn’t leave them for more than four hours. Walks are not just for the physical benefits but for mental stimulatio­n, too. small dogs need 20-60 minutes of exercise a day; medium dogs need 1-2 hours and large dogs longer.

smaller dogs generally live up to 15 years and will cost around £20,000. larger dogs cost £30,000 throughout their lifetime.

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