Scottish Daily Mail

Tuscan chicken, bean & basil casserole


PEOPLE from the Tuscan region of Italy are known as the ‘bean-eaters’, owing to their culinary history. Beans are an excellent source of protein and here we have used them to add a filling and nutritious twist to a casserole. Frozen chicken is often cheaper and cooking the beans from dried saves money too.


Per serving: Carbs, 11g | Protein, 49g | Fat, 51g | Fibre, 2.5g | Calories, 702

1kg chicken thighs (£2)

2 garlic cloves, roughly chopped (4p)

400g tin of cherry tomatoes (£1)

400g tin of butter beans, drained (36p)

1 tsp dried oregano (5p)

50ml double cream (23p)

Few basil leaves (20p)

Salt and ground black pepper

TOTAL COST: £3.88 [97p per serving]

FRY the chicken thighs skin-down over a high heat for 10 minutes, or until the skin is crisp and golden brown. They can be cooked without oil as the skin will release its fat. Season. Turn the chicken and cook the other side for 5 minutes; season again. Using tongs, remove the chicken from the pan and set aside. Reduce the heat and add the garlic. Fry for a minute in the remaining fat. Add the tomatoes and beans. Fill the empty tomato can with water, swirl around and pour into the pan. Add the oregano and bring to the boil. Add the chicken back in, skin-side up. Push down so only the skin is peeking above the bubbling surface. Reduce the heat further and let the casserole cook for 50 minutes, or until the chicken is cooked through and falls off the bones. Stir in the cream and serve in warm bowls with basil. Enjoy the casserole on its own, stir in spinach leaves or serve with celeriac mash.

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