Scottish Daily Mail



KiRsTY BouGhTon, 40, runs a beauty business and lives in Buckingham­shire with husband edward, 46, who runs a graphic design agency, and their three daughters aged six, four and two.

DURING my last pregnancy I put on 2st 6lb and was diagnosed with gestationa­l diabetes. It meant I had to be induced three weeks early. I was assured this was probably not due to what I was eating but I was devastated and blamed myself.

Thankfully, my daughter was born a healthy 6 lb 8 oz and the gestationa­l diabetes went — but I was advised to be careful with my diet because having this kind of diabetes increases your risk of getting type 2 diabetes in the future.

I was initially careful about what I was eating but within months I was back to grabbing sugary snacks on the go. By April last year, I was 13st 7lb — I’m 5ft 9in (meaning I had a BMI classed as overweight) and I was a size 16. I had to make a change for my health but, more importantl­y, I wanted to be a healthy role model for my girls.

I’d tried other diets in the past, but I always put weight back on.

I needed a lifestyle change. I looked back to how I used to eat in my 20s when I lived in Portugal — with lots of meat, fish and veg and hardly any bread or potatoes. I was a trim size 8 without any effort and always had lots of energy.

I did a course with chef Katie Caldesi to learn how to cook good food while reducing my carb intake.

It was a revelation. Simple switches, such as using cauliflowe­r rice or having chicken and salad for lunch instead of a sandwich, were simple and easy to implement.

The weight came off almost immediatel­y, while my energy levels soared. I’ve started swimming and running and I’m back into a size 14.

I have a way to go — my ‘happy weight’ is just under 11st, which gets me into size 10/12 clothes — but for now, I’m happier and healthier. Low carb works for me and has become the norm for my whole family.

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