Scottish Daily Mail

Warning texts to every mobile

- By Jason Groves Political Editor

MILLIONS of people will receive a text from the government today urging them to stay home.

Ministers have agreed a deal with phone operators to send the alert carrying Boris Johnson’s warning to every mobile in the country.

The message is expected to include a link to a Government document setting out the new guidance requiring people to stay indoors. The texts will start going out this morning.

The move is part of a wider public informatio­n campaign that will be ramped up later this week. It follows criticism that the Government has been sending out mixed messages on what the public should do to stop the spread of the virus.

Mr Johnson’s Cabinet will start meeting by video link from today to avoid contact.

Ministers will largely steer clear of Downing Street with a ‘very significan­t’ number taking part remotely instead.

It comes as 3 MPs called for a scaling back of parliament­ary business, electronic voting and the closure of all catering outlets in the Commons. In a letter to Commons Speaker Sir Lindsay Hoyle, the group led by Labour MP Toby Perkins wrote that ‘the sight of MPs crammed into a packed Commons chamber is unacceptab­le at this time’. They called for a rota system for those wanting to speak.

Around 0 MPs are currently quarantini­ng themselves at home.

The Prime Minister’s spokesman yesterday confirmed Foreign Secretary Dominic Raab would stand in if Mr Johnson became unwell.

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