Scottish Daily Mail

Inspiring volunteers show nation at its best


IN these dark days, great comfort can be taken from the remarkable outpouring of goodwill and community spirit across the United Kingdom as people seek to help.

Whether it be letters posted to elderly neighbours with contact details if they need anything or community volunteer groups set up on social media, there can be no doubt a great sense of spirit exists.

This has been wonderfull­y harnessed by the Health Secretary Matt Hancock, who launched a campaign for a volunteer ‘army’ of 250,000 people on Tuesday afternoon.

Just 24 hours later, a staggering 405,000 people had come forward looking to ease the pressure on overburden­ed health profession­als fighting Covid-19, while bringing happiness to the lives of fellow human beings at their most vulnerable.

Those looking to do the same in Scotland, however, may have been disappoint­ed. As health is devolved, Mr Hancock’s goodspirit­ed campaign does not apply here – and sadly the Scottish Government has so far failed to take a similar approach.

As Volunteer Scotland points out, there is no shortage of people who are desperate to help – driving people to hospital, picking up medicines or delivering supplies – but much great co-ordination is needed.

The Government, alongside local councils, can ensure that those who step forward are doing the tasks that will help the most and, crucially, are able to keep themselves safe.

More strategy is needed from ministers to ensure the work of these volunteers will respond to need at different stages of this national health crisis, such as when we are in the eye of the storm, then during the clear-up exercise that will follow.

As Nicola Sturgeon rightly said yesterday, it will be some time before life returns to normal, so we all need to look out for ourselves and each other. Volunteeri­ng has to be a way of doing this.

The First Minister has agreed to consider whether more national coordinati­on is required. For the sake of vulnerable people around the country and our hard-pressed NHS, it is crucial she delivers.

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