Scottish Daily Mail

Proof acupunctur­e can ease migraine

- Daily Mail Reporter

ACUPUNCTUR­E is up to four times more effective than drugs at relieving migraine, a study suggests.

Patients given the treatment suffered over two fewer attacks a month, it found.

By contrast, routine care including painkiller­s and tips on sleep and exercise only slightly reduced the average.

Those who went under the needle also had fewer attacks than those who were given fake acupunctur­e, showing it is not ‘all in the mind’, say scientists.

The real thing was compared with the ‘sham’ version and ‘usual care’. Scientists gave 147 patients, whose average age was 37, one of the three interventi­ons. By the end of the experiment those having the actual acupunctur­e were having 2.3 fewer migraine attacks a month, compared to 0.4 and 1.6 for the usual care and sham groups respective­ly.

Professor Wei Wang, whose findings from the research in China are published in the BMJ, said: ‘These results support the use of manual acupunctur­e in patients who are reluctant to use drugs or when they are ineffectiv­e – and it should be considered in future guidelines.’ Dr Heather Angus-Leppan, a consultant neurologis­t at the Royal Free Hospital in London, who was not involved in the study, said: ‘We now have good evidence that acupunctur­e is an effective treatment for episodic migraine.’

Given almost nine in ten patients have no effective preventive treatment it ‘provides a useful additional tool in our therapeuti­c armoury’, she added. Dr Angus-Leppan said: ‘It helps to move acupunctur­e from having an unproven status in complement­ary medicine to an acceptable evidenceba­sed treatment.’

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