Scottish Daily Mail

Ice lollies


WE MADE these in ice lolly trays with six holes, each holding about 50ml. Super refreshing on a hot summer day.

Pina colada ice lollies 34 calories per 50 ml lolly

PINEAPPLES vary in natural sugar content so you may need to add sweetener. 150 ml reduced-fat coconut milk 150 g fresh or canned pineapple 1 tbsp rum Calorie-free sweetener, to taste (optional) PUT the coconut milk, pineapple (drained, if canned), and the rum in a blender. Blitz until smooth. Add sweetener if it needs it, then blitz again. Spoon off any foam and pour the liquid into moulds or ice cube trays. Freeze until set.

Blueberry, banana and yoghurt ice lollies 35 calories per 50 ml lolly

100 ml fat-free natural yoghurt 1 banana (about 100 g peeled weight) Juice of ½ lime 100 g blueberrie­s A few drops of vanilla extract Calorie-free sweetener, to taste PUT the yoghurt, banana, lime juice and half the blueberrie­s in a blender with the vanilla extract. Blend until fairly smooth. There’ll probably still be some flecks of blueberry, but that’s fine. Sweeten to taste. Add the remaining blueberrie­s and pulse a couple of times to break them up roughly. Pour into moulds or ice cube trays and freeze until set.

Strawberry and orange ice lollies 25 calories per 50 ml lolly

200 g strawberri­es Juice of 1–2 oranges (100 ml) Juice of ½ lime Calorie-free sweetener, to taste PUT the berries and juice in a blender. Blitz until smooth, then add sweetener to taste. If you want to remove the strawberry seeds, sieve the mixture before pouring it into your moulds or ice cube trays, then freeze until set.

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