Scottish Daily Mail

Depp ‘dangled Yorkie out of car … and joked about microwavin­g it’


EVEN the dogs were not spared from Johnny Depp’s chaotic lifestyle.

One day his pampered puppy, Boo, snapped up ‘quite a lot’ of the Hollywood hellraiser’s cannabis, the court heard.

And a Yorkshire terrier called Pistol was allegedly held out of the window of a moving car by ‘howling’ Depp after a cocaine and whisky binge.

He also kept up a running joke about putting the ‘teacup dog’ — bred to be as small as possible — in the microwave.

Sasha Wass QC said Boo had once ‘eaten some cannabis — quite a lot’. She suggested it was about an ounce, but Depp said: ‘I wouldn’t say it was an ounce.’

He added: ‘The puppy got a hold of a little ball of hashish and just scooped it up before I could get to it.’ Miss Wass said: ‘Miss Heard was worried Boo had a brain injury.’ Depp replied: ‘It was something she liked to say.’

The court heard that when he was filming a documentar­y about Rolling Stones guitarist Keith Richards, Depp went on such a cocaine and whisky bender that he was ‘utterly irrational’ when a car came to take him to the set, and he insisted Miss Heard and Pistol went too.

Miss Wass said: ‘You were smoking, angry and aggressive, and at one stage you took hold of Miss Heard’s dog — it’s a tiny little thing isn’t it...’ ‘Weighs about 3lb,’ said Depp. Miss Wass continued: ‘And you held her out of the window and you started making howling noises.’ Depp called this ‘a very enduring image but absolutely, utterly false’. ‘You thought this was a huge joke,’ said the barrister. ‘No ma’am, I don’t think hanging a small defenceles­s dog that weighs 3lb out of a window at speed is my idea of fun.’

But he agreed he did find it funny to repeatedly suggest putting the dog in a microwave because the dogs were so ‘ludicrousl­y tiny’.

He also agreed he had a ‘childish sense of humour’ in relation to another dog joke, which he wrote in a text to his assistant Stephen Deuters.

He suggested in the message that Mr Deuters should ‘squat in front of the door to the master bedroom and leave a master coil of doopie so Amber steps in it, thinking one of the dogs has a major problem — it will be funny’.

 ??  ?? Furry friend: Amber Heard and ‘teacup dog’ Pistol on Instagram
Furry friend: Amber Heard and ‘teacup dog’ Pistol on Instagram

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