Scottish Daily Mail

A nervous return... how schools will look VERY different

- By Laura Paterson

SCHOOLS will feel very different for staff and pupils when they return this week, Nicola Sturgeon warned yesterday.

The First Minister was speaking after a trip to West Calder High School in West Lothian.

She said she is ‘impressed and reassured’ by the measures being taken in Scotland to prevent the virus spreading as schools prepare to return.

Addressing the Scottish Government’s coronaviru­s briefing, she urged everyone in Scotland to play their part, saying this is vital in enabling schools to return and stay open.

Miss Sturgeon said nerves and anxiety for teachers, parents and pupils are ‘entirely understand­able’ as she stressed reopening schools is a priority for her Government.

She said: ‘Earlier this morning I visited West Calder High School in West Lothian to see the preparatio­ns they are making for reopening. Like many schools across the country, they are having a phased return, tomorrow is an inservice day for staff, Wednesday is for students in secondary school years one to three and Thursday is for students in year one and years four to six and then from Friday students will be in school full-time.

‘For students and staff school will feel different to how it was before.’

She added: ‘I know there will be nerves and anxiety for children, parents and teachers this week – and that is entirely understand­able.’

It comes after 45 per cent of 780 teachers questioned by the NASUWT union said they did not think it will be safe for pupils to return.

 ??  ?? Preparatio­ns: Miss Sturgeon visiting West Calder High School in West Lothian yesterday
Preparatio­ns: Miss Sturgeon visiting West Calder High School in West Lothian yesterday

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