Scottish Daily Mail

French vow to end Channel migrant crisis

(Bonne chance with that, mes amis!)

- By David Barrett Home Affairs Correspond­ent

THE French government has renewed its ‘absolute commitment’ to end the Channel migrant crisis, a minister said after talks in Paris yesterday.

Home Office minister Chris Philp said a meeting with French interior ministry officials had led to an agreement that France must ‘properly police’ the Channel.

He described proposals put forward by the Home Office as a ‘new, comprehens­ive action plan’.

The Mail reported yesterday how the UK proposals will demand French co-operation in a massive new ‘blockade’ of the Channel involving military hardware. Home Secretary Priti Patel will refuse to hand over any more British taxpayers’ money to fund operations on French soil unless Emmanuel Macron’s government begins turning back illegal crossings, it is understood.

France yesterday agreed to appoint a commander to take charge of operations on its side of the Channel, which Mr Philp described as ‘very important step forward’. At the weekend, Miss Patel appointed a clandestin­e Channel threat commander, former Royal Marine Dan O’Mahoney.

But a deal with the French is not expected to be agreed before next month, and possibly later, meaning the flow of migrants will continue for the rest of the summer.

And a senior French government source said last night they were confident Britain will shell out extra millions. The cash was ‘likely to be paid’ because of the high number of migrants involved in illegal crossings.

Before yesterday’s meeting, regional French officials blamed ‘British hypocrisy’ and the UK’s ‘black economy’ for the crisis.

Philippe Mignonet, the deputy mayor of Calais, said: ‘The British blame us for their own hypocrisy.

‘The migrants go to Great Britain because they can work in the black economy when they want, because there is no control, not on the street or in the workplace.’

Mr Philp said: ‘Any border is a shared responsibi­lity and the United Kingdom and France renewed and reaffirmed their absolute commitment to make sure this border is properly policed and this route is completely ended. I’m also delighted that the French made a commitment to appoint their own commander to take responsibi­lity in this area, which is a very important step forward.

‘The sheer numbers crossing the Channel are completely unacceptab­le to the French government and unacceptab­le to the UK Government, so it’s quite clear that more needs to be done. And that is exactly what this new, comprehens­ive action plan that we are working on will aim to do. If we can make this route unviable... migrants will have no reason at all to come to France in the first place.’

At least four migrant boats arrived off the Kent coast yesterday, thought to contain between 30 and 40 people. This year’s total is approachin­g 4,350, compared with 1,850 in whole of 2019.

Yesterday the Mail reported how the Home Office wants to deploy Royal Navy vessels and Border Force patrol boats to block the path of migrant boats

Mr Macron’s government will also be expected to accept deportatio­ns of larger numbers of migrants who cross illegally, as well as failed asylum seekers.

The UK is also urging the French to fingerprin­t migrants in the Calais camps so more can be deported under existing EU rules.

France is believed to be demanding an extra £30million from the UK to fund operations on its side of the Channel, on top of £114 million already paid by the British taxpayer since 2015.

 ??  ?? Thumbs-up: Migrants arrive in Dover after crossing the Channel yesterday
Thumbs-up: Migrants arrive in Dover after crossing the Channel yesterday
 ??  ?? From the Mail, August 7
From the Mail, August 7

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