Scottish Daily Mail

Urgent review of at-risk parts of network

- Daily Mail Reporter

NETWORK Rail has been ordered to carry out an urgent ‘resilience review’ across the parts of track deemed at risk of flash flooding in a bid to avoid a repeat of the tragedy.

The rail infrastruc­ture body will inspect trackside slopes after a landslip during heavy rain and flooding is suspected to have played a part in the derailment near Stonehaven.

UK Transport Secretary Grant Shapps, who travelled to Stonehaven yesterday, has also requested a wider assessment of the impact of the weather on the entire rail network, resulting in an interim report by September 1 and a final analysis in the autumn.

He said: ‘One of the things I have asked Network Rail to do – in the next few hours and days – is to do a very quick resilience check to make sure there is not another situation like this.

‘I’ve ordered a report with an interim on my desk on September 1 where I want them to check the resilience of the whole GB network. A final report will come in the autumn.’

Mr Shapps added: ‘I have spoken to Network Rail. More extreme weather is going to happen, so we are going to have to take a lot of Victorian infrastruc­ture which wasn’t built for this extreme weather and we have to update it to be able to withstand it.’

Network Rail said it will use a combinatio­n of its own inhouse engineers, contractor­s and helicopter surveys to assess dozens of sites with ‘similar characteri­stics’ to the stretch of railway near Stonehaven.

It will also work with meteorolog­ists to strengthen the informatio­n it receives about the threat of flash flooding.

The body also said its engineers were currently reviewing the remote monitoring of high-risk sites with motion sensors and CCTV to test whether or not the system can be improved.

Network Rail boss Andrew Haines joined Mr Shapps in conducting a helicopter survey of the crash site.

However, Mr Haines insisted he would ‘not preempt the outcome of the investigat­ion’.

He said: ‘It is clear the weather was appalling and there were floods and landslips in the area.

‘I have asked my teams to put extra measures in place, from immediate, heightened inspection­s, to medium-term work with meteorolog­ists, to improve informatio­n and forecastin­g.’

He added: ‘Yesterday was a tragedy, a truly horrific event, and my thoughts remain with everyone affected.

‘Understand­ing what happened is the key to making sure it never occurs again.’

Scottish Transport Secretary Michael Matheson, who also visited the crash site yesterday, said: ‘They [Network Rail] are well aware of our views about the need to make sure that we are taking forward the right types of mitigation­s that help to manage a challenge of these types of localised, intense weather events.’

 ??  ?? Site visit: Grant Shapps
Site visit: Grant Shapps

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