Scottish Daily Mail

Health alert over coffee and tea in pregnancy

- By Ben Spencer Medical Correspond­ent

PREGNANT women should avoid caffeine altogether for the sake of their baby’s health, a study warned last night.

The research suggested there was no safe level of consumptio­n whether with child or trying to conceive.

Based on 48 studies over 20 years, it concluded that even minimal caffeine intake raised the risk of miscarriag­e, stillbirth or low birth weight.

But experts said the warnings were alarmist and flew in the face of studies showing moderate amounts were safe.

Women should consume no more than 200mg a day – roughly two cups of coffee – according to the Royal College of Obstetrici­ans and Gynaecolog­ists (RCOG). Last night it insisted it would not change this advice.

But Professor Jack James, the author of the new paper, claims thousands of babies are harmed every year when women consume supposedly safe levels of caffeine.

The studies he assessed at Reykjavik University in Iceland found that even low levels of caffeine could increase the risk of miscarriag­e by up to 36 per cent, stillbirth by up to 19 per cent and low birth weight by up to 51 per cent. Childhood leukaemia and obesity were also potential risks.

Professor James calculated that if every pregnant woman in Britain consumed 200mg of caffeine a day, 70,000 babies would be harmed.

He claims that this is probably an underestim­ate because many women drink more than the advised maximum.

‘Caffeine is a habit-forming substance consumed daily by the majority of pregnant women,’ the professor wrote in the BMJ’s Evidence-Based Medicine journal.

He said that usually caffeine was rapidly absorbed by the body, with peak concentrat­ions occurring within an hour.

It then takes around five hours for blood levels of caffeine to halve, with the level declining gradually thereafter.

But he said that during pregnancy it took the body far longer to get rid of the substance.

By the 38th week of pregnancy, it could take 18 hours for caffeine levels to halve.

Professor James said this meant an unborn baby could be exposed to the drug for several hours – having a profound impact on its developing body such as speeding up the baby’s heart rate and the blood vessels in its brain constricti­ng.

He wrote: ‘Indeed, newborn infants of caffeine-consuming mothers have been reported to experience caffeine withdrawal symptoms including disturbed sleep, vomiting, increased frequency of irregular heartbeat and respiratio­n, and increased fine tremors.’

However Dr Daghni Rajasingam, RCOG spokesman, said women did not need to completely forgo tea and coffee while pregnant .

‘Other – and potentiall­y more reliable – research has found that pregnant women do not need to cut caffeine out entirely because these risks are extremely small, even if the recommende­d caffeine limits are exceeded,’ she said.

‘The Royal College of Obstetrici­ans and Gynaecolog­ists’ advice to limit caffeine intake to 200mg per day – the equivalent to two cups of instant coffee – still stands.’ Dr Adam Jacobs, associate director of biostatist­ics at Premier Research, warned that the harms found in the paper may not have been due to caffeine at all.

He said: ‘Given that pregnant women have been advised to avoid excessive caffeine consumptio­n for at least the last 40 years, you might expect that women who drink coffee during pregnancy are generally less likely to follow health advice, and possibly in some ways which

‘Habit-forming substance’ ‘Alarmist and inconsiste­nt’

are quite hard to measure.’ However, Dr Mary Ross-Davie, director for Scotland at the Royal College of Midwives, said: ‘It is important that all available evidence is considered to shape UK recommenda­tions, and we hope the current guidance will now be reviewed in light of these findings.’

Critics said Professor James had simply reassessed existing data, which had previously been interprete­d as showing that moderate intake is relatively safe.

 ??  ?? Too risky for mum? A cuppa
Too risky for mum? A cuppa

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