Scottish Daily Mail

It’s daft. Mum would sing at Last Night if she were here, says Vera Lynn’s daughter

- By Mario Ledwith

DAME Vera Lynn would still be singing Land of Hope and Glory if she were alive, her daughter said yesterday.

Virginia Lewis-Jones said it was ‘wonderful’ that a rendition of the track by the forces’ sweetheart topped the charts after the race row about its meaning.

A social media drive has been launched for the recording by Dame Vera – who died in June aged 103 – to be played during the BBC’s Last Night of the Proms.

Mrs Lewis-Jones, 74, claimed the song is against slavery and her mother would be proud of her for speaking out. She said: ‘I feel that I can see my mother now saying, “You tell ‘em girl”. She would feel the same thing and if she were here now she would be singing it.’

The 1902 lyrics of Land of Hope and Glory are associated with British imperialis­t Cecil Rhodes.

The Proms will feature an orchestrat­ed version of the song without lyrics after organisers reportedly expressed a desire to reduce patriotic elements to reflect the internatio­nal anti-racism movement. Mrs Lewis-Jones said the song was particular­ly meaningful to her mother, who sang it on VE Day in 1945.

When asked about the BBC’s decision, she said: ‘It is daft and I can’t understand it. You try to stop 12,000 people in the Royal Albert Hall plus all those outside from not singing it. How are you going to do that? Especially if Mummy’s record has gone to number one.’

Mrs Lewis-Jones added: ‘My mother is a British icon and she cared a lot about this country. Mummy was always apolitical.

‘One has to appreciate that this was written around 100 or so years ago. But not only that, the words are meaningful for everybody.

‘The song is against slavery, not for it. It is an appalling thing and we all still know that unfortunat­ely racism to a certain extent does go on in this country. And we have all got to fight it.’

The campaign behind the Dame Vera version was launched by Defund the BBC – a group which aims to decriminal­ise failure to pay the licence fee. Her rendition topped the iTunes chart yesterday.

 ??  ?? Icon: Dame Vera Lynn topped iTunes chart yesterday
Icon: Dame Vera Lynn topped iTunes chart yesterday
 ??  ?? Speaking out: Virginia Lewis-Jones with Dame Vera
Speaking out: Virginia Lewis-Jones with Dame Vera

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