Scottish Daily Mail

Josh, f ive, saves mum ... thanks to number on his toy ambulance

- By Andy Dolan

WHEN his mother fell into a diabetic coma, a five-year-old quickly summoned help – by dialling the emergency number written on the side of his favourite toy ambulance.

Josh Chapman’s mother Caroline collapsed as they played on the floor of their living room.

He and his 18-month-old brother Harry initially intended to feed her sweets in a bid to revive her, but the sweet jar was empty. So Josh, who had not used a phone before, dialled 112 – the internatio­nal emergency number – which is on his toy German ambulance.

He told the call handler ‘Mummy was playing cars and now her eyes have closed’.

Josh was able to give his address in Telford, Shropshire, and the operator stayed on the line until paramedics arrived.

Mrs Chapman, 41, said: ‘I had just been playing cars with the boys and I suddenly blacked out.

‘Usually I feel my levels dropping but this time I didn’t. Josh said he went to fetch some sweeties but there was none in the jar so he called an ambulance. I woke up surrounded by paramedics – and a lot of toys – and they explained to me that Josh had called them and given them our address.

‘I couldn’t quite believe it. He has never used a phone before. He had looked at the number on the side of his toy ambulance and dialled 112. I didn’t even know that number was on there but it worked and I am so proud of him.’

112 is a free emergency number that works in the EU and several other countries. UK callers are put through to a 999 operator.

Josh’s father Neil, 40, an RAF photograph­er, returned home to find police and ambulances.

Mrs Chapman said: ‘A neighbour had to rush out and tell him not to worry. He was amazed Josh knew what to do as well.

‘The police invited us down to our local station and he had a wonderful day sitting in all the cars. They said he was a little hero and I can’t argue with that.’

Mr and Mrs Chapman rewarded

Josh with a visit to the toy store to buy an aircraft carrier.

He was then shown round the police station. Telford police commander Superinten­dent Jim Baker said: ‘This was an incredible thing for Josh to do, his quick thinking saw him ring the number on his toy ambulance as he was worried about his mum.

‘He was very brave and stayed on the line while we were able to get to the family’s home and make sure his mum got medical assistance. Josh has already proved he would make a brilliant police officer in the future. Hopefully we’ll see him again when he’s old enough as a new recruit.’

Josh said: ‘Mummy had been playing toys and then suddenly she stopped.

‘Her eyes closed and then she was asleep on the floor. I thought I’d better call the doctor... so I looked on my ambulance for the doctor’s number.

‘I had a lot of fun at the police station and now I want to be a police officer when I grow up.’

 ??  ?? Hero: Josh Chapman and his toy bearing the 112 number
Hero: Josh Chapman and his toy bearing the 112 number
 ??  ?? Collapsed: Caroline Chapman
Collapsed: Caroline Chapman

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