Scottish Daily Mail

Does the Government really want at army of Covid marshals snitching on their neighbours?


‘Is Covid-19 turning us into a latter day east Germany?’ tweeted ITN’s political editor Robert Peston on this voluntary call to arms on Twitter. It suggests a nightmare scenario of busybodies in the mould of Gareth from The office and Hyacinth Bucket taking it upon themselves to lay down the law. The sad thing is there are plenty of people out there just aching to put on a high vis vest and march around telling everyone what to do and where to go. Don’t park there, Madam. Put that barbecue out, turn off your engine, pick up that litter, put on a mask, turn down the music, keep your distance, be quiet, go home. What is even more tragic is that I am one of them. Where do I sign up? I’ve already got the whistle, the loudhailer and the pull-on bossy boots. sTeP AWAY FRoM THe communal PICK AND MIX, sir. You’ll only do yourself a mischief.

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