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JUPITER tends to inflate things. Since mid-May, it has been apparently moving backwards, but that doesn’t mean its retrograde motion has made us deflate. It’s more as if someone let go of a balloon mid puff… even when the fun ends, the balloon is larger than it was. The planet of expansion and generosity turns direct this weekend. But the adventure isn’t over; we can look forward to a steadier ship heading to a sunnier horizon.

ARIES Mar 21 - Apr 20 NO WONDER Shakespear­e wrote ‘all the world’s a stage’; he was a playwright! Whether he acted in them or not, he had the power that comes from being the person who decides which characters reach dizzying heights of success, and which are doomed to be miserable. If you see your life as being a play, whose side is your scriptwrit­er on? This weekend, as lucky Jupiter turns direct, you have a chance to rewrite your role within a key relationsh­ip. It can bring you exactly what you need. Like a ray of hope shining through the darkness, be encouraged by the powerful New Moon. Call 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS Apr 21 - May 21 SOME of the greatest buildings have never, technicall­y, been finished. Westminste­r Abbey was built in 1080, expanded beyond recognitio­n in 1245, turned into a cathedral in the 16th century, and continues to be embellishe­d. It goes to show that nothing is ever perfect. In fact, some architects deliberate­ly leave a section unfinished to acknowledg­e the idea that there’s always room for improvemen­t. Something in your life may not be ‘finished’, but it’s perfect on your terms. Enjoy it.

Big changes are due between now and the next Full Moon. For a spookily accurate prediction, call 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI May 22 - June 22 PEOPLE who work in advertisin­g have a lot to answer for. All those fashionist­as, with perfect faces and physiques living in gloriously clean and tidy, exquisitel­y lit houses. Aargh! Does anyone really live in that world? Well, we’re all there sometimes. We all experience moments of magic when even the sharpest aspects of our lives are softened and we’re surrounded by a golden hue. As Jupiter turns direct, have confidence in your right to the best experience this weekend can bring.

You’ve got so much to look forward to. Your latest forecast is packed full of inspiring news. Call 0906 751 5603.

CANCER June 23 - July 23 IT ONLY takes a little rainfall to burst a dam. The smallest spark to start a forest fire. A tiny acorn to grow a giant oak tree. Then we need to add time. Everything must happen at the right moment, in the right place, in the right way. In an environmen­t as reactive as the one in which you find yourself this weekend, great care must be taken. You can be a dramatic force for good… or not. As Jupiter begins to move forwards, you’ll experience an increase in your power. Recognise this and use it well.

Your latest Moon-sign forecast will touch your heart and lift your spirits. For inspiratio­n, call 0906 751 5604.

LEO July 24 - Aug 23 I KNOW it might seem like a silly question, but what would you like to conjure up this weekend? Of course, no one can make something out of nothing… well, at least not on a material level. Yet if we focus on more subtle abilities, such as your imaginatio­n and your creative powers, it’s a different prospect. As Jupiter changes direction, all you need is one good idea. It will enable you to see a situation with a spark of intuitive understand­ing, and alter it in a good way.

Change your future. Call now for your powerfully accurate latest Moon-sign forecast. Call 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO Aug 24 - Sep 23 WHY shouldn’t something extraordin­ary happen this weekend? I can already see the list forming: ‘Why should it? When was the last time something good happened? Things aren’t exactly tickety-boo are they?’ I take your point. But amid the confusion and difficulty, our ability to be kind to one another has increased. Things might be tough, but that shouldn’t obscure how much open-hearted generosity surrounds us. Jupiter turning direct brings you a good reason to celebrate.

The powerful Virgoan New Moon brings the power to make positive change. Find out more. Call 0906 751 5606.

LIBRA Sep 24 - Oct 23 IN BETWEEN the extremes of right and wrong lies an area filled with shades of grey. This is the place where ‘extenuatin­g circumstan­ces’ and ‘exception that proves the rule’ are found. Yet, although we think of grey as a dull colour, this area is bright and vibrant. From the deep blues of emotionles­s logic to the vivid reds of passionate self-interest, these are colours that can’t be ignored. Jupiter’s change of direction invites you to venture into unknown territory. Use what you find there with care. Let the New Moon reveal your future. It’s brighter than you think. For good news, call 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO Oct 24 - Nov 22 JUST because you’re in a spot of bother, is it really necessary to question a decision you’ve reached? Is it a sign that your judgment is flawed? When we’re struggling to deal with a worldwide challenge, it’s easy to catastroph­ise the events in our own lives. As Jupiter changes direction, don’t overlook the possibilit­y that you’re being shown where you need to put your effort and renew your commitment­s. Seize this weekend’s opportunit­y to put your energy into your brightest hope. The stars have a powerful message for you. For a prediction taking you to the next Full Moon, call 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 - Dec 21 IMAGINE that you have the equivalent of a metaphoric­al microphone and a ladder. Maybe you even have a large neon sign which, when you climb the ladder, can be read far and wide so that your message has a significan­t impact on your community. As Jupiter turns direct, you won’t need any of the equipment mentioned above. If you have informatio­n to share, you can do it most successful­ly by telling your story. You have a powerful celestial advantage. Make the most of it.

The New Moon energy can transform your life. If you need positive news call your Moon-sign forecast: 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 20 IF YOU want something done, it’s best to ask a busy person; they’ve already got so much on their plate that they’ll hardly notice another task on their list. But this approach comes with risks. They may be so fast-acting they overlook a better strategy, or ignore the possibilit­y of simplifyin­g a situation. Sometimes it’s better to ask someone who has plenty of time on their hands. This weekend, if you think you need help, it’s worth considerin­g whether the job you feel obliged to do is even necessary.

There’s a powerful New Moon and your future can be revealed and changed. Pick up the phone! Call 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 - Feb 19 BLAMING other people for our mistakes seems to come naturally to us; although adults grow beyond the ‘he or she did it’ game, we do it, too. Like children, we can accept responsibi­lity when things are going well; it’s when passions run high that we pass the buck. As Jupiter turns direct, it empowers you to be as ‘big’ as you can be. If you take responsibi­lity for your part in a situation that’s not working as well as you wish, the change you’ve been longing for will come. What will the light of the New Moon reveal? For news that will make your spine tingle: call 0906 751 5611.

PISCES Feb 20 - Mar 20 THEY say you’re getting old when your doctor looks as if they should still be in medical school. Yet I suspect it’s when the clothes we wore in our youth come back into fashion. The horror when skinny jeans returned… or flares! Everything changes; and while trends come and go, life’s lessons do not. With all the experience you’ve gained, you can use it to make an important choice this weekend. Jupiter’s new direction will enable you to ensure that it’s a lasting decision rather than just a trend.

Be inspired by the energy of this week’s New Moon. Call your in-depth Moon-sign forecast: 0906 751 5612.

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