Scottish Daily Mail




5 _____ nero, strongflav­oured Italian cabbage (6) 7 Dexter, English director of the Elton John biopic Rocketman (8) 9 Largest of the Canary Islands whose Mount Teide is Spain’s highest peak (8) 10 Non-metallic element found in diamond and graphite (6) 11 English actress who played Purdey in The New Avengers (6,6) 13 ____ system, a decimal one of weights and measures (6) 15 Type of footwear with the sole bound to the foot by straps (6) 18 1993 Steven Spielberg film adapted from a Michael Crichton novel (8,4) 21 Andie MacDowell’s character in Four Weddings and a Funeral (6) 22 Determined or having a fixed purpose (8) 23 New Year’s Eve in Scotland (8) 24 George, U.S. cavalry officer at the Battle of The Little Bighorn (6)


1 Chief executive politician in each U.S. state (8) 2 ____ Seles, Serbian-born U.S. ex-tennis player and nine-time Grand Slam singles champion (6) 3 Pillars of ___ , two promontori­es at the eastern end of the Strait of Gibraltar (8) 4 Disease caused by a deficiency of vitamin C (6) 6 Plants of the crowfoot family (8) 7 Young animal in the egg or womb when its parts are distinctly formed (6) 8 Greek god of love (4) 12 René, Belgian surrealist painter (8) 14 Surname of the main family in The Godfather series (8) 16 Nationalit­y of people whose capital is Kathmandu (8) 17 A predatory bird that feeds on fish (6) 18 Jerome K., English writer noted for Three Men in a Boat (6) 19 A cricket is this class of animal (6) 20 Song by Beyoncé that reached No 4 in the UK charts in 2009 (4)

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