Scottish Daily Mail

Kim’s gem boasts made heist easy, says robber

- From Peter Allen in Paris

KIM Kardashian’s non-stop social media boasts about her lavish jewellery helped armed robbers carry out 2016’s £8.5million heist in Paris, the alleged mastermind claims.

The reality Tv star was an easy target because she kept divulging private details about her gems, said Aomar Ait Khedache.

This included the £3.5million engagement ring given to her by husband Kanye West.

The details of Miss Kardashian’s slip-ups emerged in leaked papers filed in Paris ahead of the trial of Ait Khedache and ten others.

Referring to her as ‘the rapper’s wife’, Ait Khedache said informatio­n for the job was a ‘giveaway’ thanks to sites such as Instagram.

‘The jewels were shown on the internet, explaining that she did not wear fake jewels,’ he is reported as saying in prosecutin­g papers leaked to Les Echos newspapers in the French capital.

Ait Khedache said the timing of her arrival in Paris was posted and ‘you just needed to look at the internet to know everything’.

The career criminal, nicknamed ‘Omar the Elder’, has confessed to his involvemen­t in the heist in October 2016 but denies prosecutio­n claims he was the ringleader.

The gang posed as police and tied up Kardashian in a luxury property she was renting after her bodyguard went to a club on the Champs-Elysées with her sisters Kourtney and Kendall Jenner.

As well as the engagement ring, robbers took two Cartier diamond bracelets, a Jacob necklace in gold inlaid, diamond earrings and a necklace by Loraine Schwarz.

Ait Khedache’s DnA was found on plastic cuffs used to tie her up.

After being identified, police studied CCTv in which Khedache was seen getting out of a car around the corner from the crime scene. His son, Harminy Ait Khedache, was said to be at the wheel and is charged with being the getaway driver.

Ait Khedache told police the gang melted down the jewellery but sold Kardashian’s engagement ring. It has never been recovered.

 ??  ?? Ordeal: Kim Kardashian in Paris
Ordeal: Kim Kardashian in Paris

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