Scottish Daily Mail

Is sacking Sue an own goal by BBC?


I CAN’T believe the BBC has sacked Sue Barker and the captains Matt Dawson and Phil Tufnell from A Question Of Sport. I’ve enjoyed the show since it started and the banter between this trio can’t be bettered. Why change something so successful and entertaini­ng? When you see the possible new line-up it’s obvious why. DAVID ALDERSON,

Appleby, Cumbria.

IN THEIR drive for a more diverse panel on A Question Of Sport, may I suggest Ian Wright. He would make a great team captain and have the audience splitting their sides with laughter.

G. R. THOMPSON, Bexleyheat­h, Gtr London.

DOESN’T the BBC realise we don’t watch A Question Of Sport for the quiz but for Phil and Matt’s antics, with Sue trying to keep them in order. BRENDA HARDING,

Rayleigh, Essex.

ADMITTEDLY, the presenter and team captains are white and middle-class, but many guests are black male and female athletes. Does the proposal to bring in black presenters mean the third one would have to be old, white and transgende­r?

BRYAN FORD, Marazion, Cornwall.

THE explanatio­n for the new line-up is a bid to attract a younger audience. If all programmes are to be for the young, why are older viewers obliged to pay a licence fee for television shows which, by the BBC’s admission, will be of no interest?

BRIAN HOPKINS, Attleborou­gh, Norfolk.

WHY ruin a much-loved programme? Another nail in the coffin of the BBC DEREK CRANAGE, Loughborou­gh, Leics.

FOR once the BBC has got it right because this show has become stale and needs new faces. As long as they don’t draft in the over-exposed Ant & Dec, Andrew Flintoff, Gary Lineker, Paddy McGuinness or Rylan Clark . . .


SORRY to hear that Sue Barker and Matt Dawson are leaving, but with the idiotic Phil Tufnell gone, the quiz might be watchable again. PETE WILLIAMS, Hayes End, Middlesex.

SUE, Tuffers and Matt are great fun to watch — I’m still laughing after the programme has finished. It’s a breath of fresh air, particular­ly in these difficult times when there isn’t much to cheer us up. If it’s broke, don’t fix it. This trio can never be replaced.


HOT on the heels of three football pundits being sacked by Sky, the BBC is getting rid of A Question Of Sport’s team. In these PC times, it should be noted all six are white and good at their jobs. If this exercise is intended to alter the balance of white/BAME people on our screens, then it’s a clear case of racial discrimina­tion.

PHIL NORTH, Brigg, Lincs.

 ??  ?? Popular: Question of Sport team Matt Dawson, Sue Barker and Phil Tufnell
Popular: Question of Sport team Matt Dawson, Sue Barker and Phil Tufnell

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