Scottish Daily Mail

Top flight clubs out of touch, says Stenny chief


STENHOUSEM­UIR chairman Iain McMenemy last night accused Scottish Premiershi­p clubs of being out of step with society by starting their new league season on August 1. The Ochilview chief was responding to criticism that by not testing players for coronaviru­s, lower league outfits were putting money before safety. Championsh­ip, League One and Two clubs all voted to begin their campaigns on October 17, which now looks to be behind closed doors after fresh Covid-19 regulation­s introduced yesterday. However, insisting clubs like his were following all the rules, McMenemy pointed a finger at the top flight who rushed to start their new season on August 1. ‘We agreed to come back on October 17 with the possibilit­y that there may be testing in place and we budgeted for it and most of us put money aside,’ he said. ‘But it was not a requiremen­t. ‘But if we are to go up against a team that is testing, then we have to test as well. That’s the rules that are in place. ‘The lower leagues decided to act in accordance completely with government advice, which is that contact sport up to 30 people outside does not require testing. ‘It’s not the lower league clubs that are out of step with society. It’s the Premiershi­p clubs that are out of step with society. ‘Premiershi­p clubs wanted to go back quicker than society would allow, so they asked for a system to be put in place that meant they could come back ahead of society unlocking.’

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