Scottish Daily Mail

Satellite choice


SUPERHERO ACTION Bloodshot, 8pm, Sky Premiere

A PUMPED-UP Vin Diesel stars as Ray Garrison, a soldier killed in action and brought back to life as the super-human Bloodshot.

SPOOKY SERIES The T Haunting Of O Bly Manor, Netflix N

THE ghosts could be real or imagined in this tale of loss in an old manor house, for both the orphaned children who live thereth (including Amelie Bea Smith, pictured) and the haunted members of staff. There’s lots going on below the surface in this show, which is loosely based on The Turn Of The Screw.

SPACE RACE DRAMA The Right Stuff, Disney+

DISNEY’S ambitious drama focuses on the toll of training the Mercury Seven — Nasa’s first astronauts. Suits’s Patrick J. Adams plays John Glenn in a big-budget eight-parter with an epic sense of history. Two episodes are available today, with a new one to follow every Friday.

EIGHTIES HITS Guy Garvey: From The Vaults, 9pm, Sky Arts

THIS new episode focuses on 1984, and Madonna’s debut British TV appearance on The Tube. She sings Holiday and Burning Up at the Hacienda, the mesmerised crowd within touching distance. There’s also Culture Club’s tour of Japan and an unseen performanc­e from Sade.

WEDDING GOWNS Say Yes To The Dress: Lancashire, 9pm, TLC

THE last episode introduces us to Harriet, whose mum is eager to see her dressed like a princess, and Harriet is keen to please her. Also in the boutique is ballroom dancer Lisa, who has a firm ‘no bling’ line on wedding gowns, but Gok Wan is determined to sneak some in. (Sky 133, Virgin 167)

DARK COMEDY Why Women Kill, 9pm, Alibi

IF YOU liked Desperate Housewives, this more focused drama from its creator, Marc Cherry, is a bit like that in reverse. The murders draw closer in the finale as Simone and Karl stand strong, while the truth about Jade is finally exposed.

DYSTOPIAN FUTURE Brave New World, 9pm, Sky One

BERNARD and Lenina venture into The Savage Lands in part two, which injects a welcome note of humour into this tale of a dystopian utopia. The pair deepen their bond as they learn a garbled version of how humans existed in the past, and actually meet a savage (Alden Ehrenreich, pictured).

FUNNY FILM The Forty Year Old Version, Netflix

SEARING and uplifting comedy from writer-director Radha Blank, about a New York playwright (Blank) who reinvents herself as a rapper on the eve of turning 40.

ZOMBIE SAGA The Walking Dead: World Beyond, Amazon Prime

THIS coming-of-age spin-off really hits its stride in episode two as the teens wander the world outside the college, encounteri­ng zombies and pondering the state of the world in the way teenagers do. This show has a freshness to it that the death-soaked original has long since lost.

MUSIC LEGEND Lennon: The New York Years, 10pm, BBC4

FIRST shown as an Imagine film in 2011, this documentar­y covers Yoko Ono and John Lennon’s escape from the madness of Beatlemani­a to New York in 1971. It fleshes out a lot of interestin­g details, including that of Lennon’s ‘lost weekend’, period, when he split from Ono.

REALITY STARS The Towie Years, 10pm, ITVBe

THE Only Way Is Essex is now a decade old, and this trip down memory lane collects highlights from each year. Look out for Arg on a romantic mission with his micropig, Mr Darcy, in 2010, and what’s that in 2011? It’s only Mark Wright proposing to Lauren G. That didn’t turn out well . . .

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