Scottish Daily Mail

Got heart disease? Then blame your MUM

Her diet and blood pressure during pregnancy raised your risk — but a fat, unhealthy dad isn’t a problem!

- Dr Michael MOSLEY

PhILIP Larkin’s poem, ‘They f*** you up, your mum and dad . . .’ might not have been written about health, but there’s little doubt now that if you have heart disease, you can certainly blame your mum. Your dad, it seems, can’t carry the can for this one!

Most parents try to make their kids’ lives happier and easier. We’d hate to do anything that would undermine their future health. And yet, in so many cases, that i s exactly what seems to be happening, without us realising.

Over the past few decades there has been a staggering rise i n rates of childhood obesity, allergic diseases such as eczema, asthma and serious food allergies, as well as diabetes and heart disease.

These are all ‘ inflammato­ry’ diseases (where your body mistakenly mounts an inappropri­ate immune response and attacks healthy tissue) and the evidence shows they are all linked to what happens in the womb and during our first few years of life.

The good news is that you can turn the tide on your own unhealthy inheritanc­e — but first you have to understand what is going on.

The key to this is huge studies that follow families from before conception and then through the early years of life. An eminent professor of paediatric­s, Desiree Silva, recently set up such a trial in Western Australia — where I am currently making a new documentar­y series.

AS WeLL as the freedom to walk around without fear of getting or spreading Covid-19, one of the joys of being in Australia is catching up with old friends such as Desi, whom I first met 40 years ago, when we were both starting out as medical students in London.

Desi, who i s charming and dynamic, was known as ‘ Miss Fix- it’, because she got things done. When I wanted to make my first film in 1984, it was Desi who persuaded Channel 4 to lend us the filming and editing equipment.

Desi is one of the brains behind The Origins Project, the biggest study of its kind in Australia. They’re recruiting 10,000 pregnant women, their partners and their children, and plan to monitor them for many years. ‘We’ve already collected over 18,000 jars of stools, 50 litres of urine and tissue from more than 800 placentas,’ she told me with relish during lunch.

They are also collecting huge amounts of informatio­n about the parents’ lifestyles.

‘Our goal,’ she told me, ‘is to identify the critical factors in a child’ s early environmen­t (including their parents’ physical health and genetics — using saliva samples) that put that child at greater risk of asthma, eczema, autism, obesity etc and, crucially, show what can be done to reduce those risks.’

In the UK we have something similar, called the Avon Longitudin­al Study, which for nearly 30 years has been monitoring more than 15,000 mothers and their offspring. Among other things, the researcher­s have shown the alarming impact of a pregnant mother’s iodine levels on her child’s IQ.

I odine is essential f or t he production of thyroxine, a hormone that is important for the proper developmen­t of the brain. And in the UK we get iodine mainly from cow’s milk and white fish.

Worryingly, the Avon study has found that children whose mothers were only mildly deficient in iodine scored worse on reading ability and IQ when tested at the age of nine.

Another, even l onger, study ( which began i n the city of Framingham in the U.S. in 1948) has recently shown how much a mother’s lifestyle when she is pregnant affects her child’s heart even decades later.

For this study researcher­s from the University of Massachuse­tts scored the mother and the father’s lifestyles on seven factors (with one point each for being a nonsmoker; having a healthy diet; being physically active; having a normal body mass index; having a healthy blood pressure; good cholestero­l levels, and normal blood glucose). A parent who scored 0 to 2 was classed as having a‘ poor’ lifestyle ;3 to 4 was ‘intermedia­te’; and 5 to 7 was described as ‘ideal’.

The families, and their children, have been monitored ever since. Some of those ‘kids’ are now in their 70s. When the researcher­s dug through the records they found that the children of mothers who’d scored ‘ideal’ all those years ago had gone on to live nine years longer, and free of heart disease, than the children of mothers whose lifestyles were rated ‘poor’.

Income and social class must surely play a part but, surprising­ly enough, in this study the father’s lifestyle made no measurable difference to their children’s longterm health. It really didn’t seem to matter if the dads were overweight or had high blood pressure, as long as the mums didn’t.

Another interestin­g finding is that men were more profoundly affected by their mother’s health, when she was pregnant, than women.

So what is going on? One theory is that the health and lifestyle of the mother during pregnancy and immediatel­y afterwards not only helps set a lifelong pattern of eating, but also changes the DNA of that child.

Lead researcher, Dr James Muchira, is keen to point out that if your mother had hypertensi­on or raised blood sugar levels when she was pregnant, then you need to be extra vigilant. ‘People who inherit a high risk from their mothers can reduce that risk by exercising and eating well,’ he says. ‘If they don’t, the risk will be multiplied.’

I’m lucky that, unlike my father who was seriously overweight and not a healthy eater, my mother has always been slim and reasonably active. Thanks Mum!

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