Scottish Daily Mail



SARAH WILLIAMS, 37, is expecting her third child and lives in East london with husband michael, 33, a train driver. Sarah is a business developmen­t manager but receives £450 a month from michael during her maternity leave. She says:

My parents run a business together, but my mum doesn’t have a bank account and has always had to ask Dad for money if she wants to buy something or have her hair done.

It works for them, but I always vowed I would never have to ask my husband for handouts. It was Michael’s suggestion that he pay me a ‘mummy salary’ when I was on maternity leave with our two children, and I will receive it again after the third is born in april.

It’s my so- called luxuries money, to spend as I see fit. the household spending all comes out of his account.

We have a school mums’ night out once a month, at a local family-run restaurant, and I’d hate to have to check with

Michael whether there was enough in the joint account for me to be able to afford the £40 or £50 I usually spend on food and drinks.

Likewise, we’ll sometimes go for coffee or breakfast after dropping our children off at school, and I can buy myself a pastry without feeling guilty.

I will have two babies under two when my next one is born, so I’ll be taking my full maternity leave entitlemen­t and will, therefore, once again be reliant on my ‘mummy salary’ — while saving us a fortune in childcare costs.

some of my friends who don’t work have to ask their husbands for money before a night out, though one of them has a similar arrangemen­t to ours.

they all think it’s nice that Michael gives me ‘ l uxury money’, with no questions asked.

I can be a bit frivolous at times, buying make-up, perfume and dresses I don’t really need. But at least I never have to worry about these purchases showing up on our joint bank statement.

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