Scottish Daily Mail



TO GET more non-exercise activity into your day, personal trainer eliza Flynn suggests the following:

■ START your day with five minutes of resistance exercise: 60 seconds of squats, lunges, press-ups, heel raises and a plank. If you’re older, getting out of a chair without using your hands expends extra energy and is good for mobility. Or stand near a wall in case you need support and take one foot off the ground. Count how long you can do this and improve by a second a day.

■ INTRODUCE the 20/20 rule — for every 20 minutes you sit, move for 20 seconds: go to the loo, grab a glass of water, stand and stretch, have a wriggle. Set a timer to remind you.

■ WORK standing up for some of the time — set up your computer on your kitchen counter. But mix it up by moving to sitting.

■ PACE the room while on the phone.

■ PUT clothes on while standing up, to work your balance and coordinati­on.

■ DRY your hair while you’re on your feet. n INSTEAD of walking to the closest shops, pick some further away. Carrying shopping is a good strength workout, but use a comfy, large rucksack rather than shoulder bags or carrier bags.

■ SIT on the floor when watching TV — you’ll find that you shift positions more often.

■ USE the stairs in your house more. Instead of taking things up all in one go, take them individual­ly as and when needed.

■ LOOP a long resistance band (like a large elastic band) around a secure piece of furniture or door handle in a place where you spend ‘dead time’, such as waiting for the kettle to boil or when on the phone.

Do ten to 20 seconds of bicep curls (take band in one hand and pull towards shoulders) or front raises (stand with your back to the door, one band in each hand and raise straight arms to shoulder height).

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