Scottish Daily Mail

It was fury that drove me at the start


- By Ian Herbert Deputy Chief Sports Writer

It was neither her wish nor intention to be a campaigner of any descriptio­n. What might loosely be described as Dawn Astle’s centre of operations reveals as much.

there is just her, her iPad and a bundle of A4 spiralboun­d notebooks in which she has l ogged the details of around 200 footballer­s whose wives, sons and daughters have been in touch, desperate for help and encouragem­ent amid the fog of their loved ones’ unremittin­g struggle with dementia.

Even when the illness began to fray her father Jeff ’s brain, at the age of 55, they lived with it. their family home was full of life and laughter and when it claimed his life in January 2002, they were surprised to find he would be the subject of an inquest.

the local coroner had questioned why one so relatively young could succumb to such a disease and asked for a post mortem examinatio­n on the former player’s brain.

the inquest establishe­d that heading — ‘ industrial injury’ — had caused the damage.

the family left the PFA and FA to undertake the scientific research they had told her would then be launched and for 12 years that was that.

‘When a journalist called us in 2014 we thought we were going to find the results of the research,’ said Astle. ‘ Instead he told us they’d discontinu­ed it and never let us know. He started talking about how a number of NFL footballer­s had been found to have a brain condition called CtE (chronic traumatic encephalop­athy). I remember scribbling it down — CtE. I wondered if that’s what my dad had had.’

No one had informed Astle and her mother before that interview — with The Mail on Sunday’s Sam Peters — that her late husband’s brain was still at Queen’s Medical Centre i n Nottingham and technicall­y theirs, if they wanted it to be tested for CtE, too.

they were told about a leading neuropatho­logist, Dr Willie Stewart, who Astle rang.

the Scot helped her make arrangemen­ts for the brain to be delivered to him at Glasgow University. Dr Stewart establishe­d that Astle had, indeed, been suffering CtE, not Alzheimer’s disease, as detailed on his death certificat­e. And so it came to be that this most unassuming family became campaigner­s for research i nto possible l i nks between brain disease and football.

‘It was fury that drove me at the start,’ said Astle. ‘Fury that the game my dad had given so much to could not even be bothered to ask questions when a coroner had shown there was a link.’

As t he ‘Justice f or Jeff ’ campaign took hold, evolving into the Jeff Astle Foundation, the calls began which she and her mother have been fielding to this day. ‘People were asking us: “Could there be a link?” telling us: “He did take blows to the head”,’ said Astle (right). ‘Other people are trying to find a way to get help with care. Others just need someone to listen. My mum might be on the phone to someone for two hours. I think people trust us.’

Gradually, there was progress. An invitation by FA chairman Greg Dyke to meet him at Wembley and eventually, last October, the publicatio­n of research showing a five-fold increase in the risk of Alzheimer’s, a four-fold increase in Motor Neurone Disease and a two-fold increase in Parkinson’s among former footballer­s.

‘I remembered that after Dad had died, the P FA had applied to have brain degenerati­on in footballer­s recorded as ‘industrial disease ’,’ said Astle. ‘It was refused at the time but there was little to present as a case back then. there wasn’t the research we received last year.’

Now Astle became the one looking for help. Struggling to understand how to mount a new case, she recalled that Dr Judith Gates, based in the United States and the wife of former Middlesbro­ugh centreback Bill Gates, had always said to call on her if needed.

together, they have tabled a case which the Industrial Injuries Advisory Council (IIAC) are considerin­g.

Dr Stewart will provide informatio­n in support.

the case has also been boosted by former Everton and Hull City midfielder Alan Jarvis becoming the second player after Jeff Astle ruled by a coroner to have died as a result of industrial disease.

‘ this would be a major breakthrou­gh,’ said Astle. ‘It would allow players to make a claim for Industrial Injuries Disablemen­t Benefit.’

Depending on the severity of the illness, that could be an entitlemen­t on a sliding scale of up to £ 180 a week. A verdict might not be imminent, though. the IIAC, a panel of around 20 experts who meet monthly, is also currently examining cases relating to firefighte­rs’ illnesses, workers allegedly exposed to the chemical silica and cases relating to Covid.

Guidelines were issued eight months ago recommendi­ng no heading among primary school children, although Astle also desperatel­y wants to see measures to ensure young players are not unnecessar­ily exposed.

‘I asked (former FA chairman) Greg Clarke to introduce this but he said the FA can only advise, not put rules on training in place,’ said Astle. ‘this seems madness.’

Astle estimates that 200 families have been in touch now. She is aware of around 500 in all. ‘We desperatel­y need someone to pull together a database and administra­te it,’ she said. ‘this would help the medical profession, researcher­s — and coroners could use it when considerin­g future cases.’

It seems extraordin­ary that this family should be operating with no financial or administra­tive support when the football industry employs hundreds of people on marketing and PR alone.

‘We’re not doing this to take anything out of it,’ said Astle.

‘We’re doing it because of Dad. He loved t he game and t he people who played it. It’ s what he’d have wanted us to do.’

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NTI Point of impact: Astle in action for Albion

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