Scottish Daily Mail

Is it fair to criticise Kate and William for touring Britain during a pandemic?

- J DAVIES, Swansea.

THE Scottish and Welsh First Ministers were not happy with the Duke and Duchess making visits to their countries. Under Covid restrictio­ns, journeys to work are allowed. Well, the Cambridges are working members of the Royal Family who did this tour to show their appreciati­on of our wonderful NHS staff. Can the ministers assure us everyone crossing their borders are doing so for work?

R. DEWAR, Beeford, e. Yorks.

I ECHO the comments of Sarah Vine in highlighti­ng the churlish response of Nicola Sturgeon and Mark Drakeford to the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge’s tour. It’s time to tell these self-important misery guts to display a united front and stop trying to score points. As for Welsh health minister Vaughan Gething stating he’d rather no one was making ‘unnecessar­y’ visits to the Principali­ty, has he seen the traffic on the A55 into North Wales?

amalia Rennie, Chester.

HOW rude of Vaughan Gething to criticise Prince William and his charming wife Kate for their brief visit to the Principali­ty. He and the First Minister do not speak for the people of Wales. We always welcome the Royal Family. Politician­s should remember that next May the people of Wales will decide their fate.

PHILLIP E. SILLICK, gorseinon, Swansea.

HAD the royal train not visited Wales and Scotland, the politician­s criticisin­g the journey would be lamenting the fact their countries had been ignored. Well done, William and Catherine.


WILLS and Kate brought joy to our hearts with their three-day tour. This euphoria was not expected by Nicola and Vaughan, who were critical. The Cambridges proved how welcome the royals are to all parts of the UK and that we’re much better off pulling together.

MARY HESLAM, Wigton, Cumbria.

METHINKS Nicola Sturgeon is upset because she has been upstaged by Prince William and Kate.

MIKE PETTY, Waterloovi­lle, hants.

MOST residents of the Principali­ty are acutely embarrasse­d by the churlish remarks by our sour-faced politician­s. They are jealously protecting their short-sighted and parochial decisions to the detriment of the citizens they were elected to serve. The senseless response to the virus has merely confirmed we are being governed by Labour politician­s who will stop at nothing to take an opposing view to any sensible view taken at Westminste­r. A royal visit never stood the slightest chance of being greeted with smiles and gratitude by our leaders. Please accept our apologies.

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