Scottish Daily Mail

True to his word, the PM got Brexit done


NOW the dust is settling, it seems increasing­ly clear Boris Johnson’s long-awaited Brexit trade deal is a historic triumph.

He has parcelled up an unpreceden­ted package that – on the face of it – has lashings to celebrate. And, to boot, delivered it in record time.

So much for the high priests of Remain sneering it would be impossible!

Like a 19th-century imperialis­t power, the EU had treated the departing UK like a rebellious colony, demanding we came swiftly to heel. Instead, the Prime Minister nervelessl­y stuck to his guns.

Declaring Britain would sooner walk away from the negotiatio­ns than cross its red lines, he forced the bloc to climb down.

By this time next week we will, for the first time in nearly 50 years, be truly sovereign – a vaulting affirmatio­n of our national courage, ambition and character.

If as sold, the deal fulfils the promises made in the referendum and two general elections. The country will – at long last! – take back control of its laws, money, borders and fishing waters.

Not only does the multi-billion-pound agreement avoid costly tariffs and quotas, it also covers areas such as services, aviation and law enforcemen­t. Crucially, we escape Brussels’ regulatory orbit. Almost every vital box appears ticked.

It is, of course, still possible that there may be booby traps. Few have seen, let alone digested, the full document.

Some intolerabl­e poison pill may have been buried in its commodious 500 pages.

And should we be alarmed about the fouryear break clause?

Surely only a masochist would want to reopen this divisive and grisly chapter. For now, most pro- Brexit MPs back the momentous deal.

Even Nigel Farage, who shook the political kaleidosco­pe, is instinctiv­ely putting pragmatism before purity.

Labour, meanwhile, has plunged into civil war, torn between wooing Leave voters in the Red Wall and its metropolit­an Remain supporters.

And what of the dreary old notion, tossed out by rabid Europhiles, that a declining Britain cannot survive without kowtowing to the statist bloc?

A report by an influentia­l think-tank consigns this comprehens­ibly to the dustbin. Throwing off the EU’s shackles, it says, sets up the prospect of the UK becoming an economic tiger, turbocharg­ing job-creating growth and investment.

Indeed, not only will we remain Europe’s second largest economy, we’ll accelerate away from rheumatic, strike-torn France.

Mr Johnson swept to power promising to ‘Get Brexit Done’. To the relief of millions, he has achieved that goal.

After four nightmaris­h years, this country can, we trust, look forward to the future with unalloyed optimism.

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