Scottish Daily Mail


CHOOSE cryptic or quick, answers are the same. SOLUTIONS ON MONDAY



12 Candour due possibly about learner in difficulti­es (5,1,5) 13 Woman’s shirt is surprising­ly so blue (6) 14 Leading part of a castle needs maintenanc­e (6) 16 Two notes given for settee (4) 17 Money dispenser in a shop that’s renovated in Connecticu­t (9) 18 Retired academic’s gripping ordinary thing put on head (5) 19 Pressure put on line in ship’s front (4) 20 Harshly criticise influence on a prat misbehavin­g (4,5) 22 Bikers heading off unsettled winter athlete (5) 23 Become aware of egotist we disrupted (3,4,2) 27 Question on religious work slightly shifting brings petty complaint (7) 30 Extract from melodist I liked (6) 31 Scottish musician possesses good drive (4) 32 Source of nut is varied (5) 35 Bridge in resort close to junction (4) 36 Cook sharing embellishm­ent for a dish (7) 38 Warm feeling found in sprawling lowlands (4) 39 Insurance amount excited impure Frenchman (7) 42 Quite a part in opera therefore (6) 45 Use treatment for Lew and Di (5) 46 Quartet on radio appear to attract notice (3,4) 47 Sister retaining love for a type of word (4) 48 Piece of stone and a lot of wood put in retreat (4) 50 Tour with endless trek created anguish (7) 52 Give a response about a court (5) 54 Annual summary’s conclusion ahead of schedule (6) 56 Expanded news broadcast about election removing leader (7) 57 A group bringing time forward for singer (4) 59 Reading desk moved near Celt about to depart (7) 61 Page on thing done to get agreement (4) 64 Grip shown by Charlie with fish (5) 66 Support is reversed (4) 67 Director struggles to leave city that’s very hot (6) 69 Pacify tiny figure behind society (7) 72 Obtain a majority over time? (4,2,3) 73 Dull villain on screen? (5) 74 What those appreciati­ng a photo might do instantly (4,1,4) 79 Promote quiet husband nervously disowning group (4) 81 Skipper attracts good man in place to sit? (5) 82 LA shotgun brandished in attack (9) 83 Fool ignoring Western friend (4) 85 Effort shown by second coach (6) 86 Lively recreation­al site in outskirts of Salisbury (6) 87 Frantic hunt in sale to acquire latest in apparel to be brief (2,1,8)


1 Free a French party (4) 2 Respect group of soldiers given a task (6) 3 Nutty top for hothead (6) 4 Role’s cut with time gone sadly in end (7) 5 A fledgling boxer? (5) 6 Run to get article? It’s standard to show one’s allegiance (3,3,4) 7 Penny developed ruse to get money holder (5) 8 Excite dogs teen exercised close to home (3,2,4) 9 Rugby back initially in a sad state needs massage (3,4) 10 Leave out runner with onset of pain (4) 11 Gently treat bishop scribbling notes about old fellow (2,4,2) 15 Small gate, one of two on a square? (6) 21 Take by force guns, rum and rope on a regular basis (5) 24 Woman’s upset about new wintry effigy (7) 25 Macho victor on island given bother (6) 26 Greek character put up in part of day has amusing quality (6) 28 Mass of hair on companion in group (5) 29 Tow light toboggan with hidden rear (3) 33 A bitter source? (7) 34 Yankee with fencing equipment in turn becomes sleepy (6) 37 Henry has to move sideways in row of bushes (5) 40 Western country accommodat­ing posh liberal? That’s customary (5) 41 Talk about one engaged in top production? (7) 43 Permit English actor to ignore lead (5) 44 Scoundrel showing corruption over endless period (6) 46 Wild time in France and Luxembourg (5) 49 Man in British church has poise (7) 51 What’s different from university altering line about last piece of work? (6) 53 Freezing car? It is moved around front of courtyard (6) 55 Power held by volatile male is sufficient (5) 58 Reckon host in a mess has failed (2,3,5) 60 Recent part of zone widened (3) 62 Sort of code about religion principall­y? (5) 63 Stay relaxed when adjusting a long shoe (4,5) 65 Admire appearance for all to see by top comic (4,2,2) 68 Priest is taken with energy to study anew (6) 70 A fighter with impudence gets insult (7) 71 Resonant evidence of durable love in front of guy (7) 75 Housing area in Eastern country (6) 76 Doctor has wet bandage (6) 77 Dry stalks and unsightly growths on the rise (5) 78 Pat in ground gets material for decorator? (5) 80 Mound of little value first off (4) 84 Quiet part of a ship left for an hour (4)


12 In difficulti­es (5,1,5) 13 Woman’s shirt (6) 14 Maintenanc­e (6) 16 Settee (4) 17 Money dispenser (9) 18 Ornamental hairnet (5) 19 Ship’s front (4) 20 Harshly criticise (4,5) 22 Winter sportspers­on (5) 23 Become aware of (3,4,2) 27 Petty complaint (7) 30 Extract (6) 31 Press (4)

32 Source (5) 35 Encompass (4) 36 Decorate (7) 38 Warm feeling (4) 39 Insurance amount (7) 42 Quite (6) 45 Brandish (5) 46 To attract notice (3,4) 47 Part of speech (4) 48 Piece of stone (4) 50 Anguish (7) 52 Respond (5) 54 Annual (6) 56 Bulging (7) 57 Singer (4) 59 Reading desk (7) 61 Agreement (4) 64 Adhere (5)

66 Rear (4) 67 Scorching (6) 69 Pacify (7) 72 Reach maturity (4,2,3) 73 Weighty (5) 74 Instantly (4,1,4) 79 Promote (4) 81 Perch (5) 82 Assault (9) 83 Friend (4) 85 Effort (6) 86 Lively (6) 87 Briefly (2,1,8)


1 Free (4) 2 Enumerate (6) 3 Hothead (6) 4 End (7) 5 Young dog (5)

6 Represent one’s country (3,3,4) 7 Wallet (5) 8 Excite (3,2,4) 9 Massage (3,4) 10 Omit (4) 11 Gently treat (2,4,2) 15 Small gate (6) 21 Take by force (5) 24 Wintry effigy (7) 25 Manly (6) 26 Amusing quality (6) 28 Group (5) 29 Tow (3) 33 Beer factory (7) 34 Sleepy (6) 37 Row of bushes (5) 40 Customary (5) 41 Talk (7)

43 Permit (5) 44 Scoundrel (6) 46 Wild (5) 49 Equilibriu­m (7) 51 Dissimilar to (6) 53 Freezing (6) 55 Sufficient (5) 58 Failed (2,3,5) 60 Recent (3) 62 Set of beliefs (5) 63 Stay relaxed (4,5) 65 Admire (4,2,2) 68 Modify (6) 70 Insult (7) 71 Resonant (7) 75 Housing area (6) 76 Bandage (6) 77 Dry stalks (5) 78 Apply with a brush (5) 80 Mound (4) 84 Quiet (4)

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