Scottish Daily Mail



IT’S World Book Day and Mercury, the communicat­ion planet, approaches its third and final convergenc­e with Jupiter this year. It focuses on the value of clarity and encourages us to see ‘the bigger picture’. Books were, traditiona­lly, how we expressed complex ideas and shared arguments. Digital advances don’t seem to have enhanced things! Today, no matter how a situation is read, collaborat­ion is key.

ARIES Mar 21 - Apr 20 IF OUR dreams can come true, what about our nightmares? If we realise that we’re capable of turning a vision into a reality, might we be equally able to manifest our darker thoughts? The reassuring news is that if you’re worrying about making a wrong decision, or that you might be reaching for something that won’t bring you the happiness you seek, you can put your concerns aside. The Mercury/ Jupiter convergenc­e boosts your intuition. Allow it to lead you to a positive plan of action today. Capture the auspicious energy of the Equinox. Call your in-depth, month-ahead forecast: 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS Apr 21 - May 21 SOME people say that hunger is key to motivation; that a feeling of fullness leads to complacenc­y and a lack of success. Yet, when we feel too hungry we’re unable to concentrat­e. Perhaps convention­al advice, which tells us to be ‘moderate’, offers the most reasonable guidance. While it would be unwise to rest on your laurels today, since laurels aren’t something you’d want to trust with all your weight, that’s probably not going to be a problem! But you deserve a chance to relax. Let the power of the Equinox inspire you in March. For four-minutes of encouragin­g news, call 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI May 22 - June 22 ALTHOUGH we often say that ‘seeing is believing’, in certain circumstan­ces, isn’t it more accurate to say that the reverse is true? We’re all guilty of choosing to see what we want to see. And we base our definition of what we want on what we believe. No one on planet Earth is devoid of beliefs — whether we can rationalis­e them or not. Even if we believe in nothing, isn’t that, in itself, a belief? As your ruler links with abundant Jupiter, a positive change might seem too good to be true . . . but it’s not. Use the magic of the Equinox to create constructi­ve change this month. For the key to your future, call 0906 751 5603.

CANCER June 23 - July 23 IN ROMAN mythology, the god Janus had two faces: one that looked towards the past and one that looked forwards to the future. So, when we call people ‘two-faced’, that’s hardly a criticism! We’ve all learned to be hypercriti­cal of perceived inconsiste­ncies. Changing your mind? You must be fickle. Say one thing and do the other? That’s hypocritic­al. Yet only a fool would do something they knew to be wrong simply because they’d said they would. Be brave enough to go your own way today. The Equinox brings powerful positive change this month! There’s great advice in your forecast. Call 0906 751 5604.

LEO July 24 - Aug 23 WHAT once seemed like a disorderly, chaotic situation is starting to look more stable and sensible. Although there are several disruptive issues that still need to be dealt with, and problems that seem hard to handle, under the current cosmic climate you need to stop trying so hard. The faster you run, the faster success will run from you. The more you struggle, the more you’ll get caught in a web of complicati­ons. If you stay calm and have faith today, you’ll receive all the help you need. Capture the auspicious energy of the Equinox. Call your in-depth, month-ahead forecast: 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO Aug 24 - Sep 23 IF YOU know what needs to be done, why haven’t you done it? Ah, OK. Well, if you know what’s standing in your way, then why don’t you simply look for a means to move it? If you can’t find a way to skirt around the obstacle, then perhaps you don’t know what needs doing after all! Let’s strip this back for a moment. You know, in your heart, what’s preventing you from making progress. If you reconsider your options, your ruler’s link with lucky Jupiter will give you the beginnings of a brilliant idea. Let the power of the Equinox inspire you in March. For four-minutes of encouragin­g news, call 0906 751 5606.

LIBRA Sep 24 - Oct 23 IF ONLY you could just wave a wand and fix the issue that isn’t quite how you want it to be. Well, in one way, you can! But you must be aware that wands tend to function in a primitive fashion; although they work, someone with real magical powers has no need of them. They only have to point a finger and a wish will come true. Where do they point that finger? At themselves! You already have the power to change a situation. You just need to give yourself (and it) the time it needs. Use the magic of the Equinox to create constructi­ve change this month. For the key to your future, call 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO Oct 24 - Nov 22 I’VE learned to be cautious about using the word ‘challenge’. In certain folk, it sparks palpitatio­ns. ‘What sort of idiot would ever hope to find themselves facing something so daunting?’ they cry. But you’re different. You’ve never been one to turn one down; especially if it’s one that plays to your strengths and holds the possibilit­y of impressive rewards. It’s often worth pausing for thought before you commit . . . but the Mercury/Jupiter link means that today isn’t one of those days. The Equinox brings powerful positive change this month! There’s great advice in your forecast. Call 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 - Dec 21 HAVE you just woken up with a completely different mindset to the one you went to bed with? (And to be clear, I’m not talking about the kind that occurs if you had too many drinks the night before)! The answer, of course, is ‘no’. You may have changed. You may still be changing and growing, but you’re the same person today as you were yesterday. Yet, as your ruler links with Mercury, it enables you to understand the reason you made a recent decision, and know you’re on the right track. Capture the auspicious energy of the Equinox. Call your in-depth, month ahead forecast: 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 20 SINCE we know that ‘some things are sent to try us’, surely it makes sense that other things are ‘sent to help us’? After all, that’s only logical. We can’t expect only sources of stress and strain to be sent in our direction. The same forces that deliver challenges must also bring more desirable possibilit­ies our way. Today, when the generous cosmic climate brings a helpful celestial package into your life, make sure that you open it and appreciate its contents. You’ve been waiting for this for some time. Let the power of the Equinox inspire you in March. For four-minutes of encouragin­g news, call 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 - Feb 19 CLEVER though you may be, you’re not a genius. Or, if you’re a genius, you’re probably not one of those archetypal absent-minded professors whose thinking process is so developed that they can consume academic tomes over breakfast, but never remember where they’ve left their wallet. You’ve learned to be wary of a key person who isn’t as logically adept as you. Yet as Mercury and Jupiter converge, their ideas are worth your time and attention, particular­ly in regard to a practical issue. Use the magic of the Equinox to create constructi­ve change this month. For the key to your future, call 0906 751 5611.

PISCES Feb 20 - Mar 20 PERSONALLY, I find it reassuring to know that even so-called ‘experts’ have to look things up. We tend to envisage people who seem to have all the answers as if they’re able to retain every piece of knowledge they receive. Yet, the ability to retain facts isn’t, in itself, evidence of having good judgment. The ability to decide which informatio­n applies to which circumstan­ce is a far more valuable skill. As Mercury and Jupiter link, you’ll make the right decision if you ask the right questions. The Equinox brings powerful positive change this month! There’s great advice in your forecast. Call 0906 751 5612.

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