Scottish Daily Mail

Meet Rocky, the Newfoundla­nd cross cuddlier than a giant panda


There ought to be a phrase for it, a springtime when the parks are suddenly full of puppies. A ‘dogsplosio­n’, perhaps, or ‘wooffull to the brim’.

Bandy legged Labrador pups, curly poodle crosses demanding to be carried, Jack russells that think they are lions though they’re no bigger than kittens, shaggy little Schnauzers pleading to be chased and over-excited Staffies barking themselves hoarse — wherever you look, it’s a canine kindergart­en this year.

But with families desperate for an excuse to get outside in lockdown, the price of pups has increased fourfold within a year. Many breeders are asking £3,000 and more for a pet.

Websites offering pets for sale are unregulate­d. That encourages people who are amateur and unqualifie­d at best, or even callous and cruel, to breed puppies for a quick profit. The consequenc­es, as

(C4) showed, can

The Dog House

be distressin­g.

Kevin the French bulldog was just six weeks old, too young to be parted from his mother. But he was the runt of the litter, struggling to feed, and the breeder had simply taken him to a vet’s surgery — then dumped the pup rather than pay the bill.

how anyone can treat a little animal so heartlessl­y is bewilderin­g. however, as long as no licence is required to breed dogs, let alone keep them, this wretched crime will continue.

Thankfully, Kevin landed on all four paws. Once the staff at the Wood Green shelter had persuaded him to start eating, he was paired with newlyweds ryan and Katie. They were so desperate for a puppy to love that they’d sit on their sofa with a cushion between them, patting and scratching it.

ryan’s recent chemothera­py for a brain tumour meant the couple might not be able to conceive a baby. Kevin was the perfect size and temperamen­t to soothe that pain: he just wanted to be adored.

When our puppies can give us so much, it’s a betrayal that we do not do more to protect them from greedy and unscrupulo­us people.

The Dog house lacks the campaignin­g edge to drive that point home. It needs the sort of voice that Paul O’Grady supplies on ITV’s For The Love Of Dogs, to speak out and criticise the law.

But an hour spent watching families meet their new pets cannot fail to lift the mood. Maggie, a widow who wanted ‘another beating heart’ to ease the loneliness in her home, chose an affectiona­te greyhound.

Adolescent brothers Danny and Alfie were hoping for something big to cuddle: they got a Newfoundla­nd cross called rocky. The only thing bigger and cuddlier than that giant panda.

Chef Monica Galetti also had her arms full of something big and cuddly, as she wrestled a stuffed giraffe into a lift at the Shangri-La hotel in London’s Shard, on Amazing Hotels: Life Beyond The Lobby (BBC2).

Monica was helping to stage a is a ‘safari experience’ for guests who wanted to visit Africa but couldn’t because of travel restrictio­ns. This was barely a substitute for a trip to hamleys toy store, never mind a fortnight in the Serengeti.

Manager Kurt warned Monica to watch out for high-altitude cleaners. Since every room in the hotel has one glass wall, even the sauna, the blokes who wash the windows must see some startling sights, 35 floors up.

Kurt carried his own dog, a tiny Yorkshire terrier in a tweed jacket, everywhere he went.

Like the Newfoundla­nd, this spoiled pup was also called rocky . . . 20 times smaller but just as cuddly.


MOTHER’S Day in the UK this Sunday coincides with the zodiac’s most female energies coming to the fore; a New Moon linked with Venus, and Neptune paying close attention. It makes for an ideal opportunit­y to plant the seeds of change in an emotional relationsh­ip. We’ll need to tread carefully — any breakthrou­ghs must be nurtured, not pushed. But if we’re sensitive and heed the need to let go, deep new understand­ings will emerge.

ARIES Mar 21 - Apr 20 NOT only do you have unwavering support from your guardian angel, but the wind is also blowing in your preferred direction of travel. Yet, cosmologic­al support, by itself, is no guarantee of success. First, you need to get yourself a boat and enough material for a sail. Once you have these, destiny is on your side. The New Moon, combined with Venus and Neptune, indicates that if you think about what you want to move towards, things will naturally and delightful­ly start to fall into place. The New Moon energy can transform your life. If you need positive news, call your Moon-sign forecast: 0906 751 5601.

TAURUS Apr 21 - May 21 EMOTIONS are rather like coins. Take love, for example. If we turn that over, don’t we tend to find hate? And what about joy and sorrow? Some people say that the experience of feeling wildly cheerful is the mirror image (or the opposite side) of feeling downcast. Some of these connection­s (like fear and faith) aren’t quite as obvious as others. If an emotional coin lands the wrong way up in your life this weekend, the New Moon’s link with your ruling planet Venus suggests that you can easily flip it. Like a ray of hope shining through the darkness, be encouraged by the powerful New Moon. Call 0906 751 5602.

GEMINI May 22 - June 22 WHAT’S the purpose of life? Surely, it’s to buy insurance! The more of it we have, the more secure we feel and the more we’ll be able to enjoy ourselves. Wrong. You need to think about why you’re feeling so cautious. In the process of guarding against a misfortune that isn’t going to happen, you’re channellin­g your energy away from a situation that deserves all the positivity you can spare. It’s time to be more assertive and less defensive. The weekend brings reasons for you to trust again. You’ve got so much to look forward to. Your latest forecast is packed full of inspiring news. Call 0906 751 5603.

CANCER June 23 - July 23 THERE’S no sure-fire guarantee that wisdom will come with age. To benefit from this quality, we need to learn to discrimina­te. And that’s tricky because it’s easy to assume that, as we grow older, we are less likely to repeat the mistakes of our youth. For all that we’re entitled to draw on past experience­s, we need to ensure that we haven’t become stuck in a mire of unsubstant­iated beliefs. The New Moon, this weekend, enables you to question (and see the truth of) a situation you felt certain about. Be inspired by the energy of this week’s New Moon. Call your in-depth Moon-sign forecast: 0906 751 5604.

LEO July 24 - Aug 23 NOT long ago, people believed that ‘what you don’t know won’t harm you’. Nowadays, we know that’s untrue. Secrets. Social injustice. Discrimina­tion. Whether or not these pertain to us directly, they create challenges in the world around us. Yet, there are times when we spend so long obsessing about what we don’t know that we forget to keep questionin­g what we think we do. Look this weekend at what you’re not looking at. Then you’ll be able to see what you really want to see. Change your future. Call now for your powerfully accurate latest Moon-sign forecast. Call 0906 751 5605.

VIRGO Aug 24 - Sep 23 FEW of us have mobile phones that only make and receive calls. Even the most basic devices tend to have a camera, a complex storage facility, and endless possibilit­ies for us to while away our time. Does technology make us happier? Surely quality of life is unrelated to the size of a screen or the speed of our internet connection. This weekend, as the New Moon links to Venus, make sure you invest some of your time treasuring and nourishing what really matters. The benefits will last. Let the New Moon reveal your future. It’s brighter than you think. For good news, call 0906 751 5606.

LIBRA Sep 24 - Oct 23 WHAT have you learnt? What’s left to discover? These questions aren’t quite as straightfo­rward as they seem. If you miscalcula­te what you know, you’ll either under (or over) estimate what you don’t. Yet, perhaps I’m over-complicati­ng the issue. Perhaps the only thing we need to know is that we don’t know as much as we think we do. When the New Moon encourages you to re-evaluate an idea, it’s not an indication that your original assessment was wrong. Banish a doubt this weekend. The stars have a powerful message for you. For a prediction taking you to the next Full Moon, call 0906 751 5607.

SCORPIO Oct 24 - Nov 22 WHEN hope’s appearing on the horizon, why would you look away? When you’re walking towards the sunrise, but it’s creating a shadow, why assess the situation by the darkest point of view? There are many reasons why a sense of realism is recommende­d. But that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t appreciate positivity when you find it. There’s something delightful unfolding in your world this weekend. It may be associated with a few minor drawbacks but you can easily deal with them. There’s a powerful New Moon and your future can be revealed and changed. Pick up the phone. Call 0906 751 5608.

SAGITTARIU­S Nov 23 - Dec 21 THERE’S such a thing as having too much choice. It’s much simpler to choose between a couple of clear options. The sky might be the limit, but the concept of its vast expansiven­ess makes even Sagittaria­ns a little hot under the collar. So, shouldn’t you be feeling rather positive about the restrictio­ns you’ve been facing? Your moves have been contained and don’t look particular­ly appealing. Look again this weekend. One option could catapult you into a new realm of possibilit­y. What will the light of the New Moon reveal? For news that will make your spine tingle, call 0906 751 5609.

CAPRICORN Dec 22 - Jan 20 ALTHOUGH we all value honesty, and disapprove of deceit, it’s not easy to define truth. Francis Bacon wrote that ‘truth is the daughter of time, not of authority’. There’s no escaping the fact that it’s subjective — it depends on our own individual idea of the world and the circumstan­ces we find ourselves facing. Few of the people who’ve invested their lives looking for a ‘universal truth’ have found it. This weekend, if what’s true for you isn’t true for others, you can reach a happy compromise. Big changes are due between now and the next Full Moon. For a spookily accurate prediction, call 0906 751 5610.

AQUARIUS Jan 21 - Feb 19 THERE’S a special place in hell reserved for the arrogant and the proud. Or so we’re told. That’s why we’re so quick to hide our talents and blush over our victories. Yet, what’s so wrong about applauding ourselves when we know we’ve done a job well? Don’t we always encourage our loved ones to be proud of their success? Of course! So, why should you be any different? This weekend, as the New Moon highlights a good deed, take your place in the spotlight — and receive your applause. Your latest Moon-sign forecast will touch your heart and lift your spirits. For inspiratio­n, call 0906 751 5611.

PISCES Feb 20 - Mar 20 WE think that if we keep our heads down, we run less risk of becoming a target. That if we ensure that our ambitions are modest, we stand a better chance of fulfilling them. It’s ‘better to be safe than sorry’ . . . Yet a bit further down the line we often regret the fact that we played it safe. The inability to envisage the future along more adventurou­s lines becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy. If we think we won’t get far — we won’t! With the New Moon in your sign, you can make more progress than you think. The powerful Piscean New Moon brings the power to make positive change. Find out more. Call 0906 751 5612.

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