Scottish Daily Mail

Straight to the POINT


SHOPS, pubs and restaurant­s are set to re-open, so why can’t I have a face-to-face consultati­on with my GP?

JOHN MORTIMER, Whaddon, Bucks.

BUSINESS rates on homes would soon get people back to the office. Name supplied, Bradford ÷ SNP deputy leader Keith Brown has been having a ‘pop’ at Scottish Tory leader Douglas Ross. I doubt any of us would recognise Mr Brown if we met him.

William Howatson, Linlithgow, West Lothian. £72 for a perfume you can’t smell (Inspire)? It makes no scents! VINCENT HEFTER, Richmond, Surrey.

HOW can Boris Johnson be described as a buffoon in Alan Duncan’s memoirs when his vaccinatio­n programme is so successful? KENNETH PETERS, Nursling, Hants.

I’VE been flying the Union flag for 25 years. I only change it on St George’s Day and with a regimental flag on military days. STEPHEN DE’ATH, Leeds.

I’M PLEASED Meghan and Harry are planning to have a substantia­l rest after the birth of their second child. We can all have a break!

ANDREW REVILL, Winchester, Hants.

HAS the word ‘yes’ been banned in favour of ‘absolutely’? MICHAEL PHILLIPS, Llanelli, Carms. COUNCILS are clearing the tumbleweed from the town centres ready for all the shoppers.

J. WALMSLEY, Bury, Gtr Manchester.

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