Scottish Daily Mail

Lib Dems’ reform plan to save ‘bust’ UK

- By Rachel Watson

SUBSTANTIA­L changes are needed to help prevent the Union from going ‘bust’, according to the Liberal Democrats.

The party yesterday unveiled a package of reforms to the United Kingdom which they say could win over voters who do not believe in independen­ce.

Before campaignin­g was suspended, Scottish Lib Dem leader Willie Rennie joined forces with veteran politician Sir Menzies Campbell to launch a report calling for sweeping changes to British politics.

Sir Menzies said that without reform the Union would ‘become less and less cohesive’. The former Liberal Democrat leader added: ‘The one thing I do believe is that the present system was going to bust, if not now then sooner or later.

‘I’ve always been opposed to independen­ce but... in favour of home rule.’

The Liberal Democrats are calling for the first-past-the-post system in Westminste­r elections to be ditched and replaced with the single transferab­le vote.

The Bring Our Country Together report also suggests that House of Lords members be elected using proportion­al representa­tion, and that Westminste­r passes a law making it clear that the UK Parliament will not legislate in devolved areas without the consent of their parliament­s. It adds that a UK Council of Ministers should be set up to bring together the Prime Minister with the First Ministers of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland, as well as the London mayor and other key figures.

Mr Rennie, referring to the pandemic, climate and jobs crisis, said: ‘We need to have a better way of agreeing together across the United Kingdom in order to deal with the massive challenges we face.

‘If we work together we have a better chance of overcoming them.

‘We need to reform the UK in a progressiv­e way in order to ensure we get the best out of the United Kingdom.’

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