Scottish Daily Mail



If you’re having trouble sleeping, it could be your body is telling you that something else is going on. The quiz, below, can be a helpful diagnostic tool. use it to take a deeper look at your ailments to find what they have in common. your sleep may be out of sync and that can be a problem in its own right. But there are certain root causes that disrupt your daily rhythm and, as a consequenc­e of this, your sleep. understand­ing the nature of your particular imbalance (or imbalances — there are often more than one) will help direct you toward the most effective, beneficial changes in habit that we will be outlining over the coming days. Go through each


1. Do you wake up in the middle of night and have trouble getting back to sleep again? 2. Do you have trouble falling asleep or lie in bed wishing that you could fall asleep? 3. Do you have difficulty switching off your thoughts before bed? 4. Do you often go to bed angry, anxious, or with unresolved arguments or deadlines? 5. Do you feel nervous, on-edge, or anxious during the day? 6. Do you feel restless and as though you can’t keep still? 7. Do you clench or grind your teeth at night? 8. Do you often feel like you’re not in control? 9. Do you use alcohol or nicotine to help you cope with uncomforta­ble feelings? 10. Do you often feel afraid that something terrible may happen?


1. Do your bedtime and/or wake times vary from day to day? 2. Do your meal times vary from one day to another? 3. Do you eat a meal or snacks within two hours of going to bed? 4. Do you try to “catch up” on sleep at the weekends? 5. Do you often use electronic­s such as a television, computer, or smartphone within two hours of going to sleep? 6. Do you expose yourself to bright light in the middle of the night (looking at your phone, turning on the light to go to the bathroom)? 7. Are there still sources of artificial light in your bedroom even after you’ve turned out the light? 8. Do you exercise rigorously during the evening? 9. Do several hours pass before you’re exposed to natural light in the morning? 10. Do you spend the majority of your day under artificial light?


1. In your bedroom, do you have multiple electronic devices plugged in? 2. Do you sleep with your phone next to your bed? 3. Are there outside noises that you feel like you have to ‘tune out’ at section, answer the questions, then tally the number of yes responses you have for each. Three or more yes answers in one section indicate this root cause is an issue for you. More than one culprit cause may apply to you. If that’s so, don’t get overwhelme­d. This quiz is not intended to give you a label or make you feel guilt or shame. rather, it’s a tool to help you track down what’s disrupting your sleep. Try to see this insight as empowering instead of limiting. If more than one category does apply to you, take it slow — focus on the root cause for which you scored the highest, then gradually add more habits to address the remaining sleep problems. night (bin lorry, neighbours, electrical appliances running)? 4. Does your bedroom tend to be on the warm side? 5. Do you sleep with the windows closed all year-round? 6. Do you wake up with a sore back or neck? 7. Do you wake up sweating at night from overly warm bedding? 8. Do you or your partner snore? 9. Do you sleep with a partner who has a different sleep schedule? 10. Do you have a pet who sleeps in your bed?


1. Is dinner typically your largest and heaviest meal of the day? 2. Do you eat foods that are made with sugar? 3. Do you drink caffeine after midday, or eat caffeine-containing foods such as chocolate, coffee-flavoured desserts, or fizzy drinks? 4. Do you drink alcohol more than three times a week or smoke regularly? 5. Do you tend to eat spicy foods at night? 6. Do you suffer from acid reflux or heartburn after eating a meal? 7. Do you often experience trapped wind and bloating soon after you have eaten? 8. Do you feel tired or get brain fog quite a lot after having a meal? 9. Do you have constipati­on or loose stools? 10. Do you take general medication­s, supplement­s or recreation­al drugs that could disrupt your sleep?


1. Are you in menopause, perimenopa­use, or andropause? 2. have you been diagnosed with polycystic ovary syndrome (PSOS)? 3. Are your periods irregular? 4. Do you experience premenstru­al syndrome (PMS)? 5. Do you have problems sleeping in the week or so before a period? 6. Are you gaining weight around your middle? 7. Do you frequently feel irritable, anxious, or depressed? 8. Do you have low libido? 9. Do you often feel fatigued? 10. Do you often get brain fog?

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