Scottish Daily Mail


- By Richard Pendlebury and Stephen Wright Special reporting: RORY MULHOLLAND in Paris

MonSef Dahman works as a surgeon in the french Riviera town of antibes, that ‘billionair­es’ playground’ which once charmed Picasso and f. Scott fitzgerald and still attracts the hollywood elite.

one of his specialiti­es is treating the obese. Life is good there, his career fulfilling.

But there are particular times of year — the last day of august and then again on his son’s birthday in november — when his thoughts darken; when they invariably return to an event which not only had a profound ‘impact’ on him personally but shocked the entire world.

‘The thought that you have lost an important person, for whom you cared personally, marks you for life,’ he says.

That is because for several hours in the early morning of Sunday, august 31, 1997, Dahman, the then young duty general surgeon in the biggest hospital in france, played a central role in the desperate fight to save the life of Diana, Princess of Wales. She had been critically injured in a car crash in the centre of Paris earlier that night.

he has never spoken to a newspaper about this episode until now. But in an exclusive interview for this investigat­ive series and forthcomin­g seven-part mail+ podcast, he has recalled in dramatic and moving detail how he was summoned to the emergency department of the Pitié Salpêtrièr­e hospital in Paris to attend to a ‘young woman’ who turned out to be the most famous in the world. Dahman, 56, also recalled a chilling story of his own experience of the perverse iconograph­y and unscrupulo­us monetising of the Princess, even after her death.

one of his reasons for speaking now — he received no payment — was to reiterate how, in contradict­ion to the conspiracy theories which claimed they were somehow part of a murderous plot by the British establishm­ent, the french emergency medical staff involved that night made every conceivabl­e effort to save Diana.

To suggest otherwise — as had been done by mohamed al fayed and several lurid foreign magazines, among others — caused both bemusement and hurt. a Parisian by birth, Dahman would not have been in his home city, let alone on duty, that night were he not about to become a father for second time.

‘We tried everything ...we just could not get her heart beating again. At the end, we were broken’ The first ever account of doctor’s fight – in minute-by-minute testimony that destroys cruel smears she was allowed to die

EveRy august the french capital empties of those citizens who can afford to spend a month in the country or by the sea. If it were not for foreign tourists, the City of Light would be a ghost town. ‘But I didn’t take a vacation that summer,’ he recalls to the mail. ‘for the extremely simple reason that my wife was pregnant with my son (they already had a daughter). as a result, I worked all summer.’

and work he did — long, long hours like the junior doctors and surgeons in our own nhS. his shift that weekend had started at 8am on Saturday. he was still on duty at 2am the following morning, ‘though of course it was not continuous activity. I did have moments of rest. In fact, if I remember correctly, it was a pretty easy day. I didn’t have to deal with anything too difficult.’

That would change — dramatical­ly. The mercedes in which Diana was travelling crashed in the alma tunnel at approximat­ely 12.23am. owing to the severity of her resulting injuries, she received lengthy treatment by doctors at the scene. She then suffered a cardiac arrest while being moved to an ambulance. after being revived, she was transporte­d by that ambulance to Dahman’s hospital. She arrived there at 2.06am.

‘I was resting in the duty room when I got a call from Bruno Riou, the senior duty anaestheti­st, telling me to go to the emergency room,’ Dahman recalls. ‘I wasn’t told it was Lady Diana, but [only] that there’d been a serious accident involving a young woman.

‘The organisati­on of the PitiéSalpê­trière hospital was very hierarchic­al. So when you got a call from [such] a high-level colleague that meant the case was particular­ly serious.’ his rest room was only 50 metres from the accident and emergency department ‘and so I got there fairly quickly. and then I realised the true seriousnes­s of things.’

he recalls: ‘my intern [his junior assistant] was in the room. But she was in a corner because she was a little overwhelme­d by the gravity of the moment.’ Riou was also present. ‘That too was a sign of the special importance. and he was personally taking care of a lady who was lying on a stretcher, with a lot going on around her.’ Dahman, 33 at the time, was then informed that the unconsciou­s figure on the stretcher was no less than Diana, Princess of Wales. ‘It only took that moment for all this unusual activity to become clear to me,’ he recalls with some understate­ment. ‘for any doctor, any surgeon, it is of very great importance to be faced with such a young woman who is in this condition. But of course even more so if she is a princess.’

he was unwilling to describe certain aspects of the treatment she received at his hands, for reasons of patient confidenti­ality. The mail has also chosen to excise certain details presented to the official inquiries into her death, but it is important to make clear how hard the team fought to save her life, and how desperate the circumstan­ces.

Diana had been X-rayed on arrival at hospital. The resulting images of her chest showed she was suffering ‘very serious internal bleeding’. as a result, she underwent a thoracic drain — excess fluid being removed from her chest cavity. But haemorrhag­ing persisted and Diana was receiving transfusio­ns of o-negative blood held in the emergency room, as her blood group had not yet been establishe­d

at around 2.15am she suffered another cardiac arrest. The situation had grown more critical. more extreme interventi­on was needed. as she underwent external heart massage, Riou asked Dahman to perform a surgical procedure. he was to do so while Diana was still lying on the stretcher in the emergency room.

This circumstan­ce was ‘truly exceptiona­l’ and an indication of how parlous her situation had

become. ‘I did this (procedure) to enable her to breathe,’ Dahman explains. ‘Her heart couldn’t function properly because it was lacking in blood.’

As a result of this interventi­on, Dahman discovered that Diana had suffered a significan­t tear in her pericardiu­m, which protects the heart.

The prognosis worsened. It was now 2.30am. A miracle was needed. Dahman and Riou were joined in the emergency room by Professor Alain Pavie, perhaps France’s top heart surgeon. He had been summoned from his bed at home. If anyone could save her, it was him.

Pavie decided that Diana must be moved into one of the hospital’s operating theatres. He suspected that the main source of her internal bleeding had not yet been found. Further surgical exploratio­n was necessary.

It was this procedure that uncovered the most serious wound — a tear to Diana’s upper-left pulmonary vein at the point of contact with the heart. Pavie sutured the lesion. The most significan­t physical damage had been repaired. But to no avail. Diana’s heart, which had stopped before the surgical exploratio­n, would not restart. They were losing the battle to save her.

‘We tried electric shocks, several times and, as I had done in the emergency room, cardiac massage,’ says Dahman. ‘Professor Riou had administer­ed adrenaline. But we could not get her heart beating again.’

The team continued these resuscitat­ion efforts for a full and ultimately fruitless hour.

‘We fought hard, we tried a lot, really an awful lot. Frankly, when you are working in those conditions, you don’t notice the passage of time,’ says Dahman. ‘The only thing that is important is that we do everything possible for this young woman.’ He says he had felt hope at the start. ‘We had people brought to Pitié-Salpêtrièr­e who were in a very poor state, more serious than Diana was when she arrived. It is one of the best centres in France for this type of trauma emergency. And we did save some of those people, which made us particular­ly happy and proud.

‘But that did not happen here. We could not save her. And that affected us very much.’

At 4am the team, led by Pavie, accepted that no more could be done to revive their patient. It was a ‘collegiate decision’, Dahman recalls. They ceased all resuscitat­ion efforts. The extraordin­ary life of Diana, Princess of Wales, had come to an end.

Several years later the esteemed British forensic pathologis­t Dr Richard Shepherd — who has been interviewe­d for this investigat­ion’s accompanyi­ng Mail+ podcast series — reviewed the medical evidence for the Paget inquiry into Diana’s death, led by former Scotland Yard chief Lord Stevens.

Based on Dr Shepherd’s expert opinion, Lord Stevens — who briefed Prince William and Prince Harry on his findings — concluded in his report: ‘Those involved in the emergency treatment and surgery were highly qualified and experience­d in their field. Their evidence showed that every effort was made to save the life of the Princess of Wales. No other strategy would have affected the outcome.’

DAHMAN could find no such consolatio­n that fatal August night. On leaving the operating theatre he was both ‘exhausted’ and despondent. ‘It is always a great disappoint­ment to see someone young leave us,’ he says.

‘Also you suffer great physical fatigue because of the energy you have expended trying to save her. And so we were particular­ly shattered and tired. At the end, we were broken.’

He called his department­al boss to tell him what had happened — and to prepare him for the pandemoniu­m that was likely to happen as a result — and then returned to the on-duty rest room.

He was too tired and low to take any notice of the French dignitarie­s — including President Chirac — who began to arrive at the hospital early that morning to pay their respects to Diana.

In the next days he was witness to an unpleasant and shaming aftermath. Some members of the media tried to infiltrate the wards and corridors to get close to those who had been treating Diana.

‘Pitié-Salpêtrièr­e is a public hospital,’ he says. ‘The Princess was treated in a building where there were other hospital patients. We saw people disguising themselves [as medical staff], pushing trolleys, trying to get informatio­n. There was quite a lot of pressure on our security.’

One incident, which he has never spoken of before, sticks in his mind. ‘When I was treating Diana I was wearing my white sabots [clog-like medical shoes]. And obviously in that situation you don’t pay attention to anything but trying to save the patient. It was only the next morning I noticed that my clogs were stained with [her] blood.

‘Anyway, the hospital is very large and I was walking between buildings, when a Frenchman, approached me and said, “Ah, your clogs, I am interested in them. I want to buy them from you. They have the sang bleu [blue or royal blood] on them.’

Horrified, Dahman declined and as soon as possible cleaned the sabots he had worn that night: ‘Which was the end of that story.’ But not the end for him. ‘So here we have to consider the philosophy of life,’ he says. ‘It is a defining element, you can’t escape that. The thought that you have lost an important person for whom you cared, marks you all your life.

‘When it’s a princess and you follow her funeral along with billions of other people, and you had tried to save her, that obviously marks you. It marks you all your life. Because it’s so terrible that this beautiful person had such a tragic end.’

His own part in the tragedy nags at him. ‘It varies according to what is going on in my life,’ he says. ‘When we get to August I think about it. It was the year my son was born and of course every anniversar­y of that I think about it.’

‘I don’t go back to it all the time because a lot of years have gone by. But every time a new book [about Diana’s death] has come out [in France], it has been sent to me. So I have a collection of such books, unfortunat­ely.’

 ?? Picture:GLOBEMAGAZ­INE.COM ?? Wreck: Emergency workers at the scene of the crash. Right: Lurid claim in American magazine
Picture:GLOBEMAGAZ­INE.COM Wreck: Emergency workers at the scene of the crash. Right: Lurid claim in American magazine
 ??  ??
 ?? Picture: JAMIE WISEMAN ?? Anguish: Surgeon Monsef Dahman
Picture: JAMIE WISEMAN Anguish: Surgeon Monsef Dahman
 ??  ?? Podcast launches Monday:
Podcast launches Monday:

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